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Red Branch Media

Empower HR: Call to Action for HR Technology Providers

HR Complexity at an All-Time High HR bears the responsibility of recruiting, training and engaging their organization’s most important asset of all: people. Even the loftiest of missions or the most clever business plans won’t succeed without great people to execute. Yet with increasing corporate complexity, a dynamic regulatory landscape, and a tightening corporate budget, HR has had little choice but to spend its limited time administering process first, and engaging people second. For example, consider the administration that stems from the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Wage Theft Prevention Act, Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Affordable Care Act …

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6 Silent Culture Killers

HR Pros, people leaders, owners, executives, and CEO’s spend countless resources these days building culture. Following the likes of Zappos, Google, Lululemon, and more – culture is no longer just a buzzword. It’s an essential business strategy. If your employees love you, your clients will love you. Perform a Google search on organizational culture and you’ll find a handful of well respected articles citing the top and most obvious Culture Killers. From the bad seed employee to poor leadership to a lack of direction; this is the stuff we know through and through to spoil culture. Outside of the obvious, there’s

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Managing, Mentoring & Working with Millennials

5 Management Tips to Bridge Differences Two-thirds of corporate recruiters say their organization has a difficult time managing millennials and a similar number of executives give millennials low grades for work preparedness according to Deloitte – alarming because they comprise a third of the workforce. While it’s common to call them out as “different” or “difficult”, they may not be either of those things. The uncertainty, ambiguity and even anxiety of leaving two decades of school for a whole new life? If you graduated in tough economic times as I did, the working world was an uncertain place, business had stumbled and wasn’t exactly inspiring.

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6 Steps To Create The Life You Want

“Begin to see life through a completely different lens.  Life doesn’t happen TO you.  Rather, it can happen BECAUSE of you.  You have far more power and influence than you can possibly imagine.  And once you decide, you can use your power to affect your own life as well as the life of the people around you.”  Dick Sutphen It happened.  You’ve reached the point in your life when you’re ready to “do your own thing.”  Maybe your position was eliminated and you don’t want to use your talents and skills to build someone else’s business.  Or you’ve had a burning

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Bad Culture And What To Do About It

Bad Culture makes for an unhappy you Company culture and cultural fit can have a huge impact on your day-to-day happiness.  Being able to identify when a culture is turning bad, and what you can do about it are crucial skills for managing your career happiness. Culture is about what people in an organization do, and what meaning is attached to those behaviors.  Which behaviors are appreciated?  Which behaviors are looked down upon?  Which behaviors are celebrated?  Which behaviors are rewarded? How do you identify a Bad Culture When behaviors within a company that are accepted or celebrated lead to conflict

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How To Hire Your Dream Team Using Workforce Science

“Psychometric assessment implementation” –see why we didn’t put that in the title? I hope we haven’t already lost you, because this science isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and it can have some pretty powerful affects on your workforce. Psychometrics are used to measure things like skills, knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality traits and educational achievements. Do you remember all of those yearly tests that you took in school, and you didn’t know why you were taking them? Those were crafted with psychometrics as a tool to gauge the progress of your education in an objective and scientific way. Psychometrics in HR

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#TChat Preview: The Legal And Moral Implications Of Workplace Bullying

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, July 30, 2014, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET. Last week we talked about the state of HR Technology, and this week we’re talking about workplace bullying and the legal and moral implications. Wow. According to one recent study, 96% of American employees experience bullying in the workplace, and the nature of that bullying is changing thanks to social media and online interactions. Even though the employment world

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