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Picture of Rebecca Shaw

Rebecca Shaw

Rebecca Shaw is a writer based in Leeds, England. With years of content experience, she now specializes in writing about a whole manner of subjects relating to the modern workplace and staff motivation.
Picture of Rebecca Shaw

Rebecca Shaw

Rebecca Shaw is a writer based in Leeds, England. With years of content experience, she now specializes in writing about a whole manner of subjects relating to the modern workplace and staff motivation.
Work, Love, Gossip, Power

Work, Love, Gossip, Power: The Thrill and Toll of Office Romance

We all know that office romances happen. But on what scale do they happen, and how exactly do they affect those involved on a professional and personal level? A recent workplace study by Viking surveyed 2,000 office workers in the UK to uncover the true experience of dating a coworker. Those surveyed were professionals aged from 18 up to 65+, including temporary trainees, executives, middle management, senior management and board members. Participants were from a range of industries spanning from marketing, advertising and PR through to energy and utilities, banking and finance, and leisure and tourism.   The study found that office

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