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Picture of Richard Parker

Richard Parker

Richard is a freelance writer who covers industry-specific topics such as Internet marketing, SEO, social media, content marketing, branding, email marketing, analytics, entrepreneurship, small business solutions, technology, web design and Word Press development.
Picture of Richard Parker

Richard Parker

Richard is a freelance writer who covers industry-specific topics such as Internet marketing, SEO, social media, content marketing, branding, email marketing, analytics, entrepreneurship, small business solutions, technology, web design and Word Press development.

Why Teleconferencing Can Keep Your Best Employees On Board

When you start to think about all of the different ways to attract and keep the best employees possible, you’ll find that you have quite a few options at your disposal. However, if you think about the easiest ways to be able to retain employees and inspire confidence, one solution is simply to embrace new technologies. And, when you consider the top options in the area of technology, one of the best ways to show employees you are embracing efficiency is to use video conferencing for communication solutions. Builds Trust If you think about the younger generation, then you will be

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Choosing to Be a Leader, Without Forgetting How to Follow

A true leader isn’t someone who operates in a single mode all the time. Our Western culture has a lot of myths about leadership. One is that to be a leader; you have to be “On” all the time. We have phrases like Alpha and Type A, which, though they do tend to describe some people within our society, aren’t descriptors that often accompany healthy lives. Individuals who lead and never follow tend to become arrogant or unstable, often pushing themselves beyond their natural limits without taking care to rest and recover properly. Leading from a place of exhaustion is a

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