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Picture of RJ Frasca

RJ Frasca

RJ Frasca is Vice President of Channels & Partnerships at Shield Screening, a leading full-service employment screening company specializing in providing quality and dynamic background screening solutions to meet the demands of today's job market. Frasca brings decades of marketing and product management experience in employee screening to his role at Shield Screening, enabling strategic foresight into emerging industry trends and positioning him as one of the most authoritative thought leaders in the industry.
Picture of RJ Frasca

RJ Frasca

RJ Frasca is Vice President of Channels & Partnerships at Shield Screening, a leading full-service employment screening company specializing in providing quality and dynamic background screening solutions to meet the demands of today's job market. Frasca brings decades of marketing and product management experience in employee screening to his role at Shield Screening, enabling strategic foresight into emerging industry trends and positioning him as one of the most authoritative thought leaders in the industry.
Pre-Employment Screening Why Vendor Consolidation is Key

Pre-Employment Screening: Why Vendor Consolidation is Key

In today’s cutthroat talent market, employers are trying to find and hire the best candidates as quickly as possible. At the same time, thousands of top performers are vying for the most promising opportunities. With these dynamics, a slow or cumbersome hiring process can be a fatal flaw. That’s why efficient and thorough pre-employment screening is paramount. Businesses depend on background checks, drug testing, and other verification measures to build a safe, reliable workforce. But managing a tangled web of vendors for these services can quickly descend into a logistical nightmare – riddled with delays, inconsistencies, and wasted time. A Typical

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