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Picture of Ron Karr

Ron Karr

Ron Karr, former president of the National Speakers Association, is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, executive leadership consultant, and author of The Velocity Mindset® (Amplify Publishing, May 2021). He may be reached directly at Karr Associates, Inc. (, on LinkedIn (, or on Twitter (@ronkarr).
Picture of Ron Karr

Ron Karr

Ron Karr, former president of the National Speakers Association, is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, executive leadership consultant, and author of The Velocity Mindset® (Amplify Publishing, May 2021). He may be reached directly at Karr Associates, Inc. (, on LinkedIn (, or on Twitter (@ronkarr).
Why Workplace Trust and Transparency Matters

Why Trust and Transparency Matter in the Workplace

Many business experts champion trust in the workplace. They include the likes of Stephen Covey and my dear friend, David Horsager. (His 8 Pillars of Trust and his many excellent books should be required reading.) However, what is perhaps less well known is the neuroscience of trust. As a species, we’ve developed an array of neurochemical survival mechanisms. Employers often ignore these mechanisms, and as a result, miss the opportunity to build trust and transparency in the workplace.  The Neuroscience of Mistrust Let’s start with the opposite of trust. It is the “fight or flight” response we experience when faced with

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