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Picture of Raj Sheth

Raj Sheth

Raj Sheth is the CEO and Co-Founder of Recruiterbox.com, web-based recruitment software that helps growing companies manage their incoming job applications.
Picture of Raj Sheth

Raj Sheth

Raj Sheth is the CEO and Co-Founder of Recruiterbox.com, web-based recruitment software that helps growing companies manage their incoming job applications.

What Small Business Can Learn About Recruiting From Big Business

It seems like it’s always the biggest companies that dominate our news feeds. Small businesses can push their way through, too, but how? How are we supposed to make a big impression to a large audience? Simple–social recruitment. Here are a few of the best practices for social recruiting and why it’s important for your small business. And remember: Now’s the time to make your web presence mobile-optimized or you’re getting the boot from Google. Consider Your Talent Pool Who are you trying to attract? Mark Zuckerberg (@MarkZuckerbergF), creator of Facebook, said he only hires employees he would work for. Nearly

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2015 Trends for Optimizing Your Company’s Web Presence

Keeping up with changes and trends in SEO isn’t an easy task, but it’s important to do. Facebook users alone account for 2,460,000 pieces of content shared to the web every minute. It’s easy for content to slip through the cracks if it’s not optimized properly. SEO has the ability to make content on websites stand out. So what are the trends for 2015 in optimizing web content to gain readership among candidates and clients? Nine in 10 job seekers say they’ll use a mobile device during the job search. If you’re experiencing low website traffic and engagement, there are some

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4 Key Elements Your Job Posting is Missing

Job descriptions need to be informational and thorough but also lively and engaging. With a few key job details and a bit of help from the marketing team, it’s easy for HR to build compelling job ads across a variety of job boards. However, HR professionals will have a hard time attracting the best candidates without these 5 key elements: A Unique Tone “Make sure candidates remember your job even after they close the browser window. It can be funny, sweet, intellectual, or any other style as long as it stands out.” – Elli Sharef, Co-Founder of HireArt What makes the position

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How To Fix A Broken Interview Process

Organization during the hiring process is critical to retaining and attracting potentially highly valuable candidates. Unfortunately, not all hiring procedures are a one-interview-and-done situation. Organizations that conduct more than two interviews before making a hiring decision, however, tell candidates that their interview process is broken (this isn’t true for all positions, namely highly skilled or executive roles). Careful consideration should be taken when restructuring the interview process. Each company (and department) is different, so adjusting the interview process can’t be a cookie-cutter solution. Each step has to be tailored to your organization’s needs. Interviewers and the hiring team should know ahead of time what they are looking for

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ERP, Collaborative Recruitment And Getting Employees Involved

Your recruiting team isn’t alone when it comes to attracting new talent. Your organization can get some employees involved by instigating and maintaining an Employee Referral Program. ERPs help employers find like-minded candidates to add to the team they already have. Combining the power of an ERP with collaborative recruitment gets employees involved in the workplace. Here are best practices and the tools you need to sustain an effective ERP. Make Your ERP Work Your team is already incentivized to find great people to work with, but why not sweeten the pot by offering rewards or cash for getting that perfect candidate to

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Finding Top Talent Through The Contingent Workforce

When you hear the words contingent, contracted, temporary or seasonal, what do you think of? Traditionally, the contingent workforce has been associated with the bottom rungs of the corporate ladder. They’re the people who can’t find real jobs. Well, the contingent workforce is growing in numbers, and taking over every rung of that ladder from the bottom to the top. The contingent workforce has a new face. They are now the sought-after candidates with experience and flexibility; instead of the plan B hires they were not so long ago. Let’s take a look at this new and rapidly expanding workforce segment… Life Is Sweet For Contractors You

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Is Your Recruiting Process FEEP?

Yes, that’s a new one you can add to the slew of recruiting acronyms you already use. It stands for Fast, Engaging, Easy and Personal. The way we recruit and hire has totally changed in a pretty short time period. There has been a power shift, and candidates are demanding much more from the recruiting process. Furthermore, the company culture, brand and employer image are all more important than ever in driving success and attracting great talent. With all that we know about how the candidate experience can affect the brand, it’s a shame that 46% of candidates rate their experience

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Ditching Your ATS? You’re Not Alone

Having been in the HR tech business for a number of years, I have spoken with countless HR and recruiting experts about their technology moves. As applicant tracking systems have grown in popularity over the last several years, larger companies are looking for new, more effective software and smaller companies are looking to make their first ATS decisions. Regardless of which group you fall into, there are a few things you should consider when shopping around. Software Advice used the information that they gathered about past clients’ issues with their ATS and their reasons for switching, to create their 2013 ATS BuyerView report. Let’s look

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