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Picture of Salima Nathoo

Salima Nathoo

Salima is Founder & Chief Igniter at GLOW Consulting where she powers clients with social-savvy workplace & HR solutions. As an Authentic Leadership Conversation Facilitator™ Salima designs simple ways to invite authenticity with ease into social media engagement to ignite the 21st Century organization. She integrates these passions to lead next generation learning as a Volunteer with Social HR Camp, a globally unprecedented camp event for the Human Resources profession. Salima is fascinated by the role that authenticity plays in cultivating communities and cultures that flourish beyond physical borders and into the social space. She sees organizational excellence as an evolution from 2.0 to YOU.0™ where the “crowd” connects the dots between enterprise & employee engagement through socially sourced intelligence. As a member of the TalentCulture Social Team, Salima collaborates on developing innovative community engagement strategies.
Picture of Salima Nathoo

Salima Nathoo

Salima is Founder & Chief Igniter at GLOW Consulting where she powers clients with social-savvy workplace & HR solutions. As an Authentic Leadership Conversation Facilitator™ Salima designs simple ways to invite authenticity with ease into social media engagement to ignite the 21st Century organization. She integrates these passions to lead next generation learning as a Volunteer with Social HR Camp, a globally unprecedented camp event for the Human Resources profession. Salima is fascinated by the role that authenticity plays in cultivating communities and cultures that flourish beyond physical borders and into the social space. She sees organizational excellence as an evolution from 2.0 to YOU.0™ where the “crowd” connects the dots between enterprise & employee engagement through socially sourced intelligence. As a member of the TalentCulture Social Team, Salima collaborates on developing innovative community engagement strategies.

Top Trends in the World of Work This Week

It’s graduation season. The smell of victory is in the air as students all across the globe pay homage to self-courage with a smile and nod that says “I deserve a pat on the back for getting through this…alive.” Remember that feeling? I bet you do and probably still crave that experience today. I know I do. This is proof of life…long learning. We all deserve a gold star accolade now and then; a thumbs-up, high-five or smiley face sticker. So this blog post is yours — it’s a tip of the ole’ hat to being human in the world of

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United We Brand. Divided We Stall: #TChat Recap

The proverbial “chicken or the egg” thing has nothing on #TChat. The real question is, What came first, the employee or the brand? It was the question of the hour this week — well, five of them, to be exact, and they all sought to end the elusive, great debate on corporate vs. employment in the branding arena. Game, Set, Match What kind of match is this anyway? Not one made in heaven was the sentiment of many, many of whom likened it to “The Odd Couple.” The argument here is that corporate brands are constructed out of goals and gains (some

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Top Three Trends in the World of Work This Week

I’m a dot connector. It’s not much different than what I did with a pencil, in a pre-school activity. Instead of looking at tiny black circles, I look at information, and in place of lines, I draw conclusions. The end is still the bigger picture, and an “aha” moment. This week’s “Top Trends in the World of Work” are about recognizing the value of dots. Without them, we’d be booking roundtrip tickets to the drawing board. And travel these days can be very costly. … 1. Dotted Line We’re always referencing the “fine line” between things. It’s never really fine, is

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Top Trends in the World of Work This Week

What if work could feel more like play? It’s what we endeavor to do each week at #TChat. It’s what I fundamentally subscribe to: “Play for Performance,” where having fun means you’re doing it right and well. What if work could feel more like play? It can, it should, and “play” time starts right now with this week’s Top Trends in the World of Work! 1. POWER PLAY In late February this year, Inc posted an article on qualities that make an employee remarkable. To date, it’s been shared 17k times on LinkedIn and generated 16k likes on Facebook. Pretty impressive right?

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Top 5 Trends in the World of Work This Week

This week’s “Top 5 Trends in the World of Work” are brought to you by Seinfeld words of wisdom. … 1) A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking – Jerry Seinfeld Enterprise Investment in Social Media Social media is the digital brain that lives, breathes and thinks through multiple, globally situated minds. This thought in itself could be the imperative for adoption, yet many businesses are still undecided. An article at Inc.com gives a 007-style breakdown of the basic business case for enterprise social media engagement: information gathering, trend reconnaissance, target profiling, and

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Top Trends in the World of Work This Week

I recently purchased a set of hard backs complete with Green Eggs & Ham for my 1 year-old nephew. As I flipped through the delicate folds of nostalgia book after book, I realized how relevant the gold nuggets of knowledge are, concealed in rows of prose, to the 2.0, nay 3.0 World of Work. Seuss is still making house calls in the digital era, and this week’s Top 5 Trends in the World of Work are brought to you courtesy of the Dr. himself.  1.      “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut” It seems to be the

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There’s a List for That

Earlier this week we introduced our exciting partnership with Listly, a new kind of crowd-sourcing tool that tears the page out of the note pad and adds a savvy social twist. What’s cool about List.ly is that it challenges the conventional, linear thinking we associate with lists. In their most primitive form, we have the universally transcending “To Do” list. In a progressive state it appears as “mind to multiple bullet points” proudly displayed on a slide. In a digitally evolved form we have the “To Due” list with clever bells and whistles to remind us to submit to the matter

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