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Picture of Shaara Roman

Shaara Roman

Shaara Roman is founder and managing partner of the Silverene Group. She works with clients in the private and public sector to align leadership and culture with the business strategy, and create programs to maximize the employee experience.
Picture of Shaara Roman

Shaara Roman

Shaara Roman is founder and managing partner of the Silverene Group. She works with clients in the private and public sector to align leadership and culture with the business strategy, and create programs to maximize the employee experience.
How to Fix a Toxic Workplace Culture

How to Fix a Toxic Workplace Culture

We’ve all worked in toxic cultures. You know the signs: team members are afraid of speaking up, there’s an abundance of rules and hierarchy, communications flows in one direction – from the top-down, and silos are standard. Toxic cultures have a huge impact on employees. In fact, multiple employee engagement studies point to a majority of the workforce being disengaged. Gallup’s 2017 State of the Global Workforce shows that 67 percent of workers are disengaged, or two out of every three employees. It is difficult to work and thrive in toxic workplaces, and toxicity contributes to turnover in the workforce. No

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