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Picture of Declan Mulkeen

Declan Mulkeen

Declan Mulkeen is currently responsible for the global marketing, sales and product innovation efforts of Communicaid, a Culture & Communication Skills Consultancy.
Picture of Declan Mulkeen

Declan Mulkeen

Declan Mulkeen is currently responsible for the global marketing, sales and product innovation efforts of Communicaid, a Culture & Communication Skills Consultancy.

Effectively Communicating Change To A Disgruntled Workforce

How do you communicate change to disgruntled employees and win their support and co-operation? In this fast-paced age of information and technological growth, change is inevitable — whether we wish it or not. So, how do you get your unwilling workforce on board? According to James O’Toole, the author of Leading Change, leaders who assume their employees will accept change simply because they are told to are doomed to failure. It is challenging enough to communicate change to an engaged and positive workforce. It becomes more difficult when the employees are uncooperative and disgruntled. In order to communicate effectively, it is first essential

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