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Picture of Stine Halmind

Stine Halmind

Stine is on a mission to facilitate cooperation and understanding between individuals and across cultures. She is a specialist in intercultural business and communication with an MA in Spanish Language and Culture and a Bsc in Business Communication, and she is currently the editor and content manager of Stine was previously in charge of online communication in the Danish consulting company Incento, writing articles about management, HR and organisational development. Connect with Stine on Twitter, LinkedIn or G+.
Picture of Stine Halmind

Stine Halmind

Stine is on a mission to facilitate cooperation and understanding between individuals and across cultures. She is a specialist in intercultural business and communication with an MA in Spanish Language and Culture and a Bsc in Business Communication, and she is currently the editor and content manager of Stine was previously in charge of online communication in the Danish consulting company Incento, writing articles about management, HR and organisational development. Connect with Stine on Twitter, LinkedIn or G+.

How to Take Charge of Your Career

Want to let your peers outpace you? If you’re not constantly looking for ways to enhance your professional worth, you’ll soon find yourself in the cloud of dust your peers leave behind as they race past you. They’ll be moving rapidly toward your promotion, your job, and the recognition you were meant to have. If you don’t take action, your value will simply be undermined. To avoid getting stuck in your career while your colleagues outplay you, you must increase your market value. You must continuously acquire new skills and new experience. Take charge of your growth To avoid undermining your

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