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Picture of Sylvia Flores

Sylvia Flores

Sylvia Flores is the Chief of Brand & Culture at Espresa - a company that is powering great workplaces through personal benefits employees love. A juggernaut creative entrepreneur with an unprecedented passion for the written word, Sylvia has helped advance some of the world's most recognized brands over several decades.
Picture of Sylvia Flores

Sylvia Flores

Sylvia Flores is the Chief of Brand & Culture at Espresa - a company that is powering great workplaces through personal benefits employees love. A juggernaut creative entrepreneur with an unprecedented passion for the written word, Sylvia has helped advance some of the world's most recognized brands over several decades.
How HR Can Help Employees Who Live in Maternity Care Deserts

How HR Can Help Employees Who Live in Maternity Care Deserts

The U.S. maternal health crisis is getting worse, with far too many women struggling to find necessary maternity care. This problem is most severe in “maternity care deserts” — areas without hospitals, birth centers, or obstetricians. Recent research by the March of Dimes found that these deserts are expanding, with millions of women actively struggling to find quality maternity care. The impact of this crisis isn’t limited to individual women and their families. Its effects are far-reaching, affecting communities, businesses, and the broader economy. For instance, a lack of access to essential maternity care increases the likelihood of complications before, during,

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LSAs A Creative Way to Close Employee Skills Gaps

LSAs: A Creative Way to Close Employee Skills Gaps

If you’re a business or HR leader, you’re probably facing an enormous talent management challenge. Employers everywhere are struggling to retain and upskill existing employees, while simultaneously striving to hire skilled people who are prepared to meet future needs. In today’s competitive labor market, it’s an uphill climb, and the situation grows tougher every day. Research from The World Economic Forum estimates that 44% of workforce jobs will be disrupted within the next five years. As a result, 60% of individuals will require training before 2027 to continue performing well in the rapidly changing world of work. That’s what organizations need.

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