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Picture of Tallat Satti

Tallat Satti

I'm currently Studying MBA and i've an experience of 4 years in online Marketing and promotions. MatchCounter.com is the most recent project i've been assigned to work on. so, all the thoughts you hear from me are based on may academic, professional and online research experience.
Picture of Tallat Satti

Tallat Satti

I'm currently Studying MBA and i've an experience of 4 years in online Marketing and promotions. MatchCounter.com is the most recent project i've been assigned to work on. so, all the thoughts you hear from me are based on may academic, professional and online research experience.

4 Myths That Can Make Or Ruin A Career Choice

Many of you would have recently graduated from your studies and have started looking for a job. You have been told from some sources that there is an increase demand of MBAs in the market as compared to your degree in hand. You get upset, but then decide to go for MBA. While you were half way through the MBA degree, one of the prestigious organizations calls you for an interview and selects you on the basis of your acquired degree. What will you do? Will you leave MBA incomplete? What about the rumor of increased demand of MBAs? May be you

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