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Picture of Tania Fiero

Tania Fiero

Tania Fiero is the Chief Human Resources Officer at Innovative Employee Solutions (IES), a leading global employer of remote and contingent workforce solutions. IES specializes in Employer of Record, Agent of Record and Independent Contractor Compliance services for organizations in more than 150 countries.
Picture of Tania Fiero

Tania Fiero

Tania Fiero is the Chief Human Resources Officer at Innovative Employee Solutions (IES), a leading global employer of remote and contingent workforce solutions. IES specializes in Employer of Record, Agent of Record and Independent Contractor Compliance services for organizations in more than 150 countries.
Rightsizing Your Workforce In the Face of Economic Change - TalentCulture

Rightsizing Your Workforce in the Face of Economic Change

Businesses everywhere are still grappling with tremendous change, as pandemic aftershocks continue to roll through the global economy. Although most Covid-era restrictions are behind us, organizations large and small are still dealing with significant people-related issues. Workforce capacity planning is just one piece of this complex, multi-faceted puzzle. But if you’re an employer, rightsizing your workforce has likely become one of your top priorities during these turbulent times. One of the most serious repercussions of the pandemic involves talent — or the lack thereof. Companies aren’t able to hire enough skilled workers to meet their operational needs. This inability to attract

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Workforce Expectations

New HR Processes to Meet Workforce Expectations

The Great Resignation was a very real and present concern for HR professionals in 2021. In December alone, 4.3 million workers left their jobs. As the labor pool shrunk and companies faced skill shortages, there was a palpable power shift among employees. Workers knew they were in demand and could ask for more: more flexibility, more money, and more perks. Average hourly earnings have increased 4.8% year over year as a result. Companies were already faced with competition for talent before the pandemic. This threw HR professionals in even more of a tailspin when they had to find new ways to meet these workforce

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