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Picture of Tania Horda

Tania Horda

Tania is a content marketer at HRForecast who writes about people analytics, workforce planning, talent management, and all things HR powered by data and AI.
Picture of Tania Horda

Tania Horda

Tania is a content marketer at HRForecast who writes about people analytics, workforce planning, talent management, and all things HR powered by data and AI.
internal mobility

Internal Mobility, The Talent Marketplace, and Why to Embrace It

The world of work is rapidly evolving, and so are the career aspirations of the people. Compared to what we saw decades ago, people don’t want to embrace the same position for years till they retire. Instead, they are looking for opportunities to try new duties, get new skills, and stay flexible and agile. On the flip side, today’s labor market is highly competitive, and there is a scarcity of skilled workforce. The PwC CEO survey reveals that a whopping 74 percent of CEOs are concerned about the shortage of critical skills and talent. As a response to those challenges and

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