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Picture of Tony Restell

Tony Restell

Tony Restell (@tonyrestell) is the Founder of Social-Hire.com and works with recruiters and recruitment businesses needing outside help in growing their social media presence. He’s a published author and a Cambridge graduate.
Picture of Tony Restell

Tony Restell

Tony Restell (@tonyrestell) is the Founder of Social-Hire.com and works with recruiters and recruitment businesses needing outside help in growing their social media presence. He’s a published author and a Cambridge graduate.
Your Biggest Barrier to Recruiting Effectiveness

Your Biggest Barrier to Recruiting Effectiveness

It’s time we acknowledged that there’s been a fundamental shift in the recruiting landscape and that the barriers to achieving best-in-class recruitment have moved on. I recently had a conversation with recruitment veteran Marc Hutto of Reveal Global Intelligence. Marc’s been recruiting for decades and espouses a form of “purpose-driven recruiting” that necessitates taking a step back and understanding how the market has changed. What are these seismic shifts and how do they affect you, whether you are an agency recruiter or part of an in-house corporate recruiting team? Well, in a nutshell, we all now operate in a market where:

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Hiring Effectiveness

Experts Reveal How To Transform Your Hiring Effectiveness

I’ve noticed a subtle shift over the last year or two. More and more companies seem to be making it a priority to improve their quality of hire. Rather than focusing on whether they’re able to make enough hires, there’s a growing concern with making the right hires. So in this post I’ve reached out to some recruiting experts for ideas on how to improve your hiring effectiveness. The Key Components of Hiring Effectiveness The perfect hire must surely be someone who can excel in the role but who will also remain with the company for many years to come? Knowing

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Recruiters: Here Are Five Reasons You’re Failing on Social Media

You’re probably wondering what kind of results other recruitment businesses and teams are getting on social media. You’re wondering whether your business is missing out—and whether that should be a cause for concern or not. I’d like to lift the lid on this subject and share with you the kinds of results you can expect. Plus, I’ll help you to figure out how you can improve the results you’re getting—because you’re going to want to, once you realize what’s at stake. The Size of the Prize We have numerous clients across the world and their goals for being on social media

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How Data is Being Used To Boost Recruitment and Retention

Big Data and the intelligent use of Analytics has been one of the top business topics of the last year. For anyone working in human resources or recruiting, ever greater use of data promises a revolution in the way decisions are made. Recruitment and retention of top talent differentiates a company from its competitors. The days of gut decisions and interviewer bias are numbered, to be replaced by evidence-based decision making. To be clear, leveraging data presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is to learn the skills – and choose the technologies – needed to analyse the mass

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A Comprehensive Guide To Recruiting on Google+

One of the biggest advantages that Google+ has for recruiters is that the social media platform is run by Google. This means that any content being shared on that platform gets search engine optimised treatment in Google search results. It is also free to use, has more active users than LinkedIn, its profiles offer rich data regarding its users and it has access to highly valuable candidate niches. From a recruiting perspective, these features make Google+ a powerhouse for finding and engaging with talent. So, why are so many recruiters passing on the opportunity? This may well come down to a

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