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Picture of Wally Hauck

Wally Hauck

Wally Hauck, PhD, CSP and his company, Optimum Leadership, provide ideas, tools, and processes, that help leaders to think, behave, and improve. Wally works with C-level executives and HR directors at corporations and nonprofits to achieve extraordinary results both personally and for their teams. He aims to eliminate the traditional performance review process, while improving the quality of feedback and performance with values and systems thinking.
Picture of Wally Hauck

Wally Hauck

Wally Hauck, PhD, CSP and his company, Optimum Leadership, provide ideas, tools, and processes, that help leaders to think, behave, and improve. Wally works with C-level executives and HR directors at corporations and nonprofits to achieve extraordinary results both personally and for their teams. He aims to eliminate the traditional performance review process, while improving the quality of feedback and performance with values and systems thinking.
performance management

These Blind Spots Are Ruining Performance Management

Are we ruining performance management? If you haven’t thought about it, start here: How Employers Are Ruining Performance Management Have you ever watched a movie where the hero is being chased by predators through the woods? He quickly arrives at a cliff screeching to a halt and nearly falling off into a river far below. He now has a choice, stay to face the predators, which will likely kill him, or take a chance and jump into the river below risking possible serious injury or even death. He jumps. In my opinion, this describes the decision many major organizations have made

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