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Picture of William Keiper

William Keiper

William Keiper ‘s mission in life is motivation, leadership and support for businesses and individuals who are committed to the pursuit of achievement of their objectives. With a direct and provocative writing style, William writes compelling and creative non-fiction books about business management and leadership, personal transformation, self-help, and success. He earned his business degree from Eastern Illinois University, a law degree from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, and a Master’s degree from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Currently, he offers powerful strategic business consulting through his advisory services firm FirstGlobal® Partners. His latest book, CYBERCRISIS, It’s Personal Now, will be available on Amazon on December 1, 2016.
Picture of William Keiper

William Keiper

William Keiper ‘s mission in life is motivation, leadership and support for businesses and individuals who are committed to the pursuit of achievement of their objectives. With a direct and provocative writing style, William writes compelling and creative non-fiction books about business management and leadership, personal transformation, self-help, and success. He earned his business degree from Eastern Illinois University, a law degree from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, and a Master’s degree from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Currently, he offers powerful strategic business consulting through his advisory services firm FirstGlobal® Partners. His latest book, CYBERCRISIS, It’s Personal Now, will be available on Amazon on December 1, 2016.

Cyberslackers – An Inside Threat

Even with the integration of technology and a myriad of software solutions in the workplace, there has been a lack of measurable improvement in per-employee productivity. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that productivity has grown by about 1.3 percent per year over the past eight years. In the seven years before that, the productivity growth rate was double, at 2.3 percent. Improvements in collective American productivity and competitiveness must start with a commitment at the individual level. The starting point is having a job or gig of some kind. Without this, there is nothing against which to benchmark a

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