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Picture of Jessica E. Roberts

Jessica E. Roberts

Jessica E. Roberts is the Community Manager for TalentCulture and The World of Work Community. 
Picture of Jessica E. Roberts

Jessica E. Roberts

Jessica E. Roberts is the Community Manager for TalentCulture and The World of Work Community. 

Career Personality Perspective: What’s Your Angle?

I’ve probably taken close to a dozen personality tests over the years. In just a few minutes, you get a trendy acronym or entertaining epithet to hang your hat on. While I have found value in these assessments, I also see risk in becoming attached to the alluring labels: we can become quite fascinated with ourselves and our newly branded personalities. I’m all for opportunities enabling personal growth and learning. The knowledge gained from these assessments can create a healthy balance of self-confidence and humility. Personality tests can also encourage us to adopt a near-sighted view of ourselves. We think we

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Twitter: The Great Global Collaborator

Once upon a tweet, I was curious and a bit puzzled by the little blue bird. The social media network had a peculiar name and an even more peculiar personality. What was once a mere chirp in the cacophony of social media channels now boasts close to 1 billion registered users. Pretty impressive, until you find out only 30% of those registered users are active. Twitter, we have a problem. We are in The Social Age where cloud technology, social media, and mobile are changing how we do business and live our daily lives. We are more empowered and enabled to

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Why Tell Authentic Stories In The Workplace?

Content marketing, content creation and the likes are some of 2015’s early buzzwords: Create content to connect with customers, employees, and potential future employees and everything will be great. And while content is important, it’s not about sharing content. It’s about sharing meaningful stories. I like to joke that my 7-year-old doesn’t come up to me and says “Daddy, please read me some content.” Of course, she says, “Daddy, please read me a story.” People – that includes families and companies – connect around a shared story. This is also sometimes called a shared narrative. It has been documented that stories

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3 Ways The Social Age Will Inspire Your Business

The Industrial Age is dead. Social media has arrived. Everything has changed. And I had no idea what I was doing. In early 2014, I was a social media neophyte peering down over the edge into the vast social sea. If I wanted to succeed and survive the social leap, I needed knowledge, a digital identity, and a solid online network. Social media was a serendipitous treasure chest of valuable content and helpful people. Each day I dedicated time to research, reading, learning, and engaging. High-quality resources and a growing network accelerated my status from social newbie to social saveur in

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