Sponsored by iSpring.
In this episode we dive into the process of rolling out an elearning ecosysteem within an organization for the first time. We offer step-by-step advice on how to dream up, research, create, and deploy a new elearning ecosystem.
For anyone who wants to improve the digital learning landscape of their organization, this is a must-listen episode.
Meet Our Guest: Kyle Matthews
Joining us today is Kyle Matthews from BC Services, who is a client of our sponsor, iSpring.
Kyle has worked in the learning and development industry for 10 years. His primary focus is effective digital training content, and he is passionate about fostering growth mindsets and development opportunities within organizations to allow professionals to meet their goals.
LMS Criteria
Tell us, Kyle, what were the criteria when you researched the LMS authoring tools and the entire elearning ecosystem?
We needed really great reporting features because our industry is very highly regulated and we need to prove to auditors every year that employees are meeting the training requirements that are set out before them. I also needed buy-in from the corner offices, so I knew that it needed to be affordable as it was likely going to be the largest item under the training budget for many years to come.
eLearning Planning and Deployment
How do you recommend somebody in your shoes plan the strategy, the implementation and deployment for a company that is new to the vast world of elearning?
I would say start with the highest impact training first. For us at BC Services, that was onboarding because every single new employee that came through the doors or that we hired remotely, they had to take the same classes that covered a lot of compliance materials up front. We had our security training, we had our disclosure process with the protected data that we handle. Once you have the courses developed for one solid area of training, you can implement that training. Then you can keep the snowball going because once you’ve implemented some online elearning training, that frees up more time for you to further develop and then implement other courses.
The LMS Toolkit
What are some of the tools that you have found that are game changers as you’ve gone through the process of building and rolling out your elearning initiatives?
We use iSpring as our LMS, but they also have great authoring tools that really allowed me upfront to get the ball rolling. For instance, their elearning courses are simply converting PowerPoints into HTML5. Any PowerPoint presentation can instantly become an online course that has enrollment tracking, it has reporting. Anyone in my company, even if it’s not myself, can send me a training that they themselves have made in PowerPoint. I can get that published and I can do that in less than five minutes. Quizzing is another big feature that we use all the time. My favorite parts of the quiz creator is that it goes beyond just the true and false and multiple choice questions, because I find that those get very stale.
Learn More About eLearning
For more insights into building an elearning ecosystem for your organization, listen to this full podcast episode. And be sure to subscribe to the #WorkTrends Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
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