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Picture of Alice Liang

Alice Liang

Alice Liang is the head of product at DreamHire.io, a hiring platform that matches job seekers and employers based on skills and experiences, career goals, and more.  She is also co-founder of Women in Product Management, a career development group based in San Francisco, and is a seasonal instructor on millennial career development at the University of Victoria.  She also volunteers as an advisory board member of Junior Achievement Silicon Valley, a non-profit that provides work-readiness education for K-12 youth.
Picture of Alice Liang

Alice Liang

Alice Liang is the head of product at DreamHire.io, a hiring platform that matches job seekers and employers based on skills and experiences, career goals, and more.  She is also co-founder of Women in Product Management, a career development group based in San Francisco, and is a seasonal instructor on millennial career development at the University of Victoria.  She also volunteers as an advisory board member of Junior Achievement Silicon Valley, a non-profit that provides work-readiness education for K-12 youth.

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