Improving Workplace in 2018 with Quarterly Objectives
Annual performance reviews can be stressful and time consuming. That’s why you should consider quarterly objectives and key results instead.
Annual performance reviews can be stressful and time consuming. That’s why you should consider quarterly objectives and key results instead.
When living the routine, doing everyday’s work, it is easy to get frustrated when you see that your long term goals are still far out of your reach. You may try for weeks and months to get the sales numbers up or finish a research project that is vital to this years plans, yet, the results are not what you (or your management) hopes for. When situations like that come up (and they happen with everyone), you must sit back and look at everything you do. Instead of listening to this nagging voice in the back of your skull that whispers
When I was younger and entering the workforce I quickly understood that I do my best work at 5 AM. I have the best ideas, I am the most focused and I’m able to perform miracles. While doing some experiments on myself to test my abilities, I found out that working 4 hours, from 5 AM to 9AM , I could achieve more than by working in the office from nine to five. Unfortunately It’s hard to explain it to a manager who measures how many minutes you’re late in the morning and if you’re still in the office at 4.59PM.
There is a widespread opinion among HR and leadership professionals, that millennials are the most terrible group of workers who have ever entered the workforce. They are a constant pain for HR and leadership and a unlimited source of content for journalists and content marketers. The Worst Generation Ever They crave attention, need feedback and think only about themselves. Not to mention the fact, that they want to change jobs every few years and have no idea how to manage money. So no one in their right mind would put a millennial in a manager position. Maybe in 10 years, when they’ve accumulated enough
Engaging your workforce may be a scary thing. Especially if you haven’t done it much. As with any relationship, it’s scary to find out that your employees don’t think exactly like you, even if you know that all people have different ideas, plans and ambitions. But these different ideas and plans are what will give your company strength and make employee engagement such a powerful tool for every entrepreneur. The Benefits Of Engagement I probably don’t have to emphasize the positive sides of employee engagement. According to ACCOR, 90% of leaders know it’s impact. However, the same study points out that
While a lot of companies are still struggling with millennials, smart HR managers are already looking at Generation Z, oldest of whom are turning 18 and slowly entering the workforce. Why is it worthwhile to start planning for tomorrow now? Shifting Demographics Gen Z will be, by all estimates, even trickier to hire and retain than millennials — for whom money is not as important as potential for growth and self-improvement. First, studies with the newest generation, conducted by Adecco, show that although potential for growth is important to them as well, it is not such high a priority (41% for