When living the routine, doing everyday’s work, it is easy to get frustrated when you see that your long term goals are still far out of your reach.
You may try for weeks and months to get the sales numbers up or finish a research project that is vital to this years plans, yet, the results are not what you (or your management) hopes for.
When situations like that come up (and they happen with everyone), you must sit back and look at everything you do.
Instead of listening to this nagging voice in the back of your skull that whispers „failure“, you should celebrate the small, everyday successes that show how you have contributed to the big picture.
As a writer and communication specialist I may get frustrated with my new communication strategy not working or the state of our internal communications. I can obsess all day and night on why everything I’ve planned is not working.
But focusing on the negative paralyzes most people and makes them unable to function and, therefore, unable to fix the situation they’re in.
When you look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you could say this sort of celebration builds up our self-esteem or gives as a psychological foundation to keep playing the long game of success.
According to HBR “Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work.
The power of progress is fundamental to human nature, but few managers understand it or know how to leverage progress to boost motivation.”
To keep this progress going, one must celebrate small victories, embrace the culture of celebration.
I wrote a meaningful article today.
Everyday success comes not from big profitable plans that come to fruition but from small victories that everyone, who tries, achieves every day. And this is what shows that you’re good at what you do. You can go on, day by day and with each small stone moved, the final product, the monument of your work, is built.
When dealing with low motivation, this is the thing that helps you move forward. Although I don’t want to boil down to clichés, Rome was not built in a day.
Making it part of the culture
But it’s useless to just adopt this celebration driven mindset for yourself. To properly work, it should have a place in the company’s culture, it must be a way of thinking, spread around by managers and enforced by leadership.
Chris Cancialosi has said “Culture is a collective concept, it is dependent on the collective to create.“
These small things are best seen when using some project management tool or weekly reporting software that shows an overview about everything that goes on in a company to all employees.
Let’s be honest, celebrating alone is never as fun as celebrating with your friends and co-workers.
Having a culture of celebrating gives a more satisfied workforce. And this is something any leader can mark as a success.
As entrepreneur Marc Barros explains in his blog: „people will still wonder if you’re getting better. Seeing numbers on a chart or passing out a few beers at a company meeting isn’t memorable. It’s what everyone does.
What’s memorable are the things you celebrate. It’s the small ways you make people feel appreciated or the small ways you help people feel the wave of momentum the company is creating.“
So what, if I didn’t have a brilliant idea this week.
I wrote a meaningful article.
Who’s up for some celebration after work?
Photo credit: Bigstock
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