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Picture of Chris Perry

Chris Perry

Chris Perry, MBA, is a Gen Y brand and marketing generator, brand marketing manager, career search and personal branding expert, professional speaker, entrepreneur and brand consultant. Chris is the founder of Career Rocketeer, the Career Search and Personal Branding Network, MBA Highway, the MBA Job Search and Career Network and multiple other ventures.
Picture of Chris Perry

Chris Perry

Chris Perry, MBA, is a Gen Y brand and marketing generator, brand marketing manager, career search and personal branding expert, professional speaker, entrepreneur and brand consultant. Chris is the founder of Career Rocketeer, the Career Search and Personal Branding Network, MBA Highway, the MBA Job Search and Career Network and multiple other ventures.

Top 20 Venues for Thought Leaders

While there are many ways you can establish your personal brand online and offline and inevitably stand out from others in your industry, functional area or even job candidate pool, one of the most powerful ways is demonstrating your unique value contribution through thought leadership. A thought leader is by definition someone who is recognized for his or her innovative ideas, opinions, and/or perspective. However, if you want to be recognized as such, you must actually share your ideas, opinions and/or perspective with others. Here are the top 20 venues for new and veteran thought leaders to share their value, expand

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Informational Interview

8 Secrets to Getting Informational Interviews

Informational interviews sound boring, ineffective and hard to get. But that doesn’t need to be true. In fact, they can increase your chances of finding and being considered for jobs, especially the “hidden” ones. Here are tips to make it work for you…

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How I Found My Job on LinkedIn and How You Can Too

Being as passionate as I am about social media’s ever-growing role in the career search process, I proudly thank LinkedIn, one of my favorite social media networking tools, for helping me obtain my current position. How I Found My Job on LinkedIn In my career search last year, I felt that I had reached a dead-end, having attended a major career fair, applied for countless positions online, and seemingly exhausted my MBA alumni network without any success. I was on LinkedIn at that point, but hadn’t taken it too seriously.  Feeling that I had nothing to lose, I spent some time

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How to Promote Your Blog with an Empty Bank

I, like most of my fellow bloggers out there, do not have the funds necessary to launch national advertising campaigns to promote a blog. Therefore, since my team and I founded Career Rocketeer over a year ago, I have constantly faced the challenge of finding new, free and/or low-cost ways to promote our content, build up our blog’s awareness and increase our readership. Thankfully, if you are creative and determined, you can uncover countless ways to promote your efforts without breaking the bank.

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Making the Most of Informational Interviews

I got my current position by starting with an informational interview, and so, I know how effective they can be. However, I have talked with many job seekers who, while aware of the benefits, were not 100% sure how to make the very most of information interviews in their own career search process. Therefore, I have reached out to career experts across the web for their recommendations on how to take advantage of informational interviews and how to get the most out of them.

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Personal Re-Branding for Career Changers

There is a lot of great advice out there on personal branding for both students just entering the workforce and for professionals pursuing the next stage in their current, chosen career path. But what about career-changers? How can they re-brand themselves for new opportunities when they have already invested so much time, effort, training and more into branding themselves for their previous careers?

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Give Your Facebook Brand a Facelift

With so much great advice out there about how to build one’s personal brand through blogging, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks, it’s important not to forget how all of it applies to one’s Facebook activity.

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The Brand Building Bird Named Twitter

Dan Finnigan, CEO of Jobvite, offered a really insightful Twitter job search tip about Twitter, stating, “It’s not the individual Tweet that attracts the employer, but your cumulative presence on Twitter.”  He went on to say that Twitter is not just a broadcast tool for self-promotion and short-term job searching, but also an opportunity for long-lasting brand building and development through conversation and community engagement. There are many things that you can do to begin building a truly meaningful presence on Twitter so not only to enhance your brand for your job search, but also for the rest of your career. 

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Birth of a Brand

When I started the career search process during the second year of my MBA program, I encountered a serious challenge.  Having multiple talents, strengths and potential career paths, I was faced with the daunting task of having to identify and communicate my value in a single word. It was thanks to a class visit by Frank Lane, Brand Entrepreneur and Author of Killer Brands, that I learned how  to formally brand myself.  At the end of his talk, he asked us to participate in an exercise that he thought might help us in our ongoing job search efforts.  The exercise involved

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