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Picture of Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman is the Principal Analyst of Futurum Research and the CEO of Broadsuite Media Group. Living his life at the intersection of people and technology, Daniel works with the world’s largest technology brands exploring Digital Transformation and how it is influencing the enterprise. From Big Data to IoT to Cloud Computing, Newman makes the connections between business, people and tech that are required for companies to benefit most from their technology projects, which leads to his ideas regularly being cited in CIO.Com, CIO Review and hundreds of other sites across the world. A 5x Best Selling Author including his most recent “Building Dragons: Digital Transformation in the Experience Economy,” Daniel is also a Forbes, Entrepreneur and Huffington Post Contributor. MBA and Graduate Adjunct Professor, Daniel Newman is a Chicago Native and his speaking takes him around the world each year as he shares his vision of the role technology will play in our future.
Picture of Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman is the Principal Analyst of Futurum Research and the CEO of Broadsuite Media Group. Living his life at the intersection of people and technology, Daniel works with the world’s largest technology brands exploring Digital Transformation and how it is influencing the enterprise. From Big Data to IoT to Cloud Computing, Newman makes the connections between business, people and tech that are required for companies to benefit most from their technology projects, which leads to his ideas regularly being cited in CIO.Com, CIO Review and hundreds of other sites across the world. A 5x Best Selling Author including his most recent “Building Dragons: Digital Transformation in the Experience Economy,” Daniel is also a Forbes, Entrepreneur and Huffington Post Contributor. MBA and Graduate Adjunct Professor, Daniel Newman is a Chicago Native and his speaking takes him around the world each year as he shares his vision of the role technology will play in our future.
Coexisting with Robots — The Future Workplace Reality

Coexisting with Robots — The Future Workplace Reality

In a Silicon Valley startup, Fetch Robotics, about 50 employees and 125 robots work cohesively. According to CEO Melonee Wise, the human employees see the robots as pets, even calling them “pups.” There isn’t any fear of a robotic uprising, or robots taking over human jobs. Rather, both humans and robots simply coexist. This is becoming the new normal, with many companies employing robots to supplement their workforce as opposed to completely replacing it. Despite the fear that robots are predicted to take over most jobs, the future might, in fact, be more about working alongside robots rather than robots running

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Using Science and Data to Build Your Teams

I’m sure we’ve all been to a company retreat where we took personality tests aimed at helping our teams work more effectively. In my experience, these usually happen after a huge team blow-out or meltdown. In fact, I’ve been to quite a few, and I always found the information enlightening. The only problem: there was rarely a lack of meaningful implementation once my team returned to the office. Enter: data. Yes, big data is no longer just for customer and business analysis. It’s now helping business leaders map personality traits within their teams to help them work more effectively. Deloitte recently

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Technology and Training

Technology and Training: Why Teaching Employees How to Use Tools is so Important!

I still remember orientation for one of my first jobs out of college. It felt like torture. Sitting in a stuffy room, reviewing boring company policies. As it turned out, both of those things were regular features of the company’s larger training protocol. It was an important lesson, right out of the gate, about how critical the right training can be. When done well, training improves employee retention and productivity, and leads to happier and more loyal customers. But in today’s digital landscape, it is becoming more difficult to keep up with employee training needs. Technology is changing as fast as our industries,

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Employee Burnout

Addressing Burnout: Protecting Employees for the Future

Although some believe new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) will push humans out of the workforce in the future, the fact remains that humans are working more now than they ever have—due, in large part, to technology itself. With the rise of mobility comes the rise of accessibility—an “always-on” and “always-connected” culture that is pushing many Americans over the edge when it comes to work/life balance. In fact, Harvard Business Review recently published an article showing that psychological and physical conditions of burned out employees cost between $125 billion and $190 billion in healthcare spending each year. Nearly half of human resources (HR) professionals attribute

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3 Ways To Gain Employee Engagement in Technology Adoption

3 Ways To Gain Employee Engagement in Technology Adoption

Today, organizations of all sizes are experiencing a digital transformation. Irrespective of the industry or sector, the majority of businesses are implementing technology to better serve their customers and drive more revenue. During the transition, it is very common to hear these companies gripe –“We’ve spent an obscene amount of money on that tool, but people are still not using it.” According to an MIT Sloan study, most organizations consider adoption of new technologies to be at the top of their lists for future success. However, most of their employees find the process “complex and slow”. Why does this happen? Employee engagement

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Why Employee Advocacy Fails and Personal Branding is a Crock

Why Employee Advocacy Fails and Personal Branding is a Crock

I’m going to keep this note short and to the point. However, it has been on my mind for a while. Here is why almost every personal brand and employee advocacy effort fails: Employees that are most interested in personal branding are rarely interested in doing it in such a way that it is beneficial to the company. On the other hand, those who truly want to help their brand and are working hard for their company rarely have time to spend learning how to become good at social media and using it in a way that is meaningful for their

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Hyper-Training And The Future Augmented Reality Workplace

Hyper-Training And The Future Augmented Reality Workplace

If you’re like me, you may be exhilarated by the possibilities inherent in augmented reality (AR) workplace training. Not only does AR open the doors for limitless creativity and innovation, it also enables enterprises to speed up the training process and make it more beneficial to employees. As someone who spends his life learning about what drives people to adopt new technologies, I see much potential in workplace AR, and predict that it will play a key role in offering companies a competitive advantage. Discover The Most Recent Developments In Workplace AR  As I mentioned a couple of months ago, when businesses

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Want to Build a Culture of Innovation? Start with Experimentation

We talk a lot about needing a culture of innovation to thrive amidst digital transformation, but we should take that conversation a step back. A culture of innovation cannot exist without a culture of experimentation. If you want your organization to make the most of digital transformation, your success is going to hinge on your ability to determine what works best for your company. Modern business is far more competitive and data-reliant than it was in the past, and that means a misstep can set your business back tremendously if a project doesn’t pan out as expected. Testing is crucial to

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HR collaboration

HR Needs Collaboration More Than Ever

This post has been brought to you in partnership with Microsoft Teams. At the core of every great organization is one important asset—people. More than any other resource a company holds, it is the talent, passion, and diversity of a company that dictates whether the organization achieves greatness or finds itself stuck in mediocrity. To find the best talent, companies need to be savvier, faster, and more connected than ever before. Even though there may still be a pool of people seeking work, the best candidates rarely job hunt anymore. When you are great at what you do, the best opportunities

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future of work

Taking a Look at The Workplace of 2017 and Beyond

The beginning of a new year brings with it a flurry of optimism: Will this be the year our business gets its big break? Is this the year we find love, or finally achieve that long-term goal? As 2016 has ended and we are well into 2017, I’d like to look back at the technology of 2016 and offer predictions about what we might see in the workplace of the future. What will work look like in 2017 and beyond? What challenges will we face, and what opportunities will we finally embrace? Here’s what I think we can expect for the

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What Technology Can Teach Us About The Employees Of The Future

What Technology Can Teach Us About The Employees Of The Future

What if you could hire Google as an employee—or even your Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)? Though artificial intelligence (AI) is in its early phases, the real allure is not that it could, someday, be just like a human being, but that it could be more than a human. After all, even the smartest person in your company doesn’t have the wealth of information that Google does, all available in a microsecond. While humankind will likely never reach the speed or accuracy of AI in performing certain tasks, employees of the future will need to function in similar ways. They will need to pull from a broad range

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Marketing to Gen C: How Companies Need to Evolve

There has been a lot of talk about millennials and Gen Z, but we need to discuss a much more important group: Gen C. Gen C is not a generation defined by an age group. It is more than that—it’s a mindset that transcends age. Technology has evolved and with it so has the definition of a “generation.” Companies need to keep up with this trend to stay successful. I believe that two of the biggest areas modern businesses need to focus on to capture the attention of Gen C business are mobility and user experience. Understand and Embrace Mobility Mobile

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How Resilient Company Cultures Ensure Business Continuity

It is fascinating that in only a few short years, the entire business community has changed. What’s more, it’s only going to keep changing as attitudes and technologies continue to evolve. To stay on top, a business must remain relevant and be prepared to make the most of the constantly shifting market. Endless ideas and tips are thrown at business owners as a result—with the number one focus on adopting an agile company culture. Is agility the only key to success? Why Company Culture Makes All The Difference In The World Many experts define company culture as the very personality of a business.

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Millennials: Are Gen Y Women An Untapped Market?

Today, Millennials (individuals born after 1980) are a highly targeted advertising market. It’s not hard to see why brands are vying for attention from this generation. According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 18-to-34 year old Americans represent nearly 23.5 percent of the population, making them the largest demographic in the U.S. However, many brands pursuing this new generation of consumers often forget one simple truth: Not all millennials are male. Yet, much of today’s messaging tends to be “bro-based” or male centric, leaving out a diverse, demanding, and potentially lucrative market segment: The Millennial women. You don’t think

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How Company Culture Drives Digital Transformation And Business Adaptability

I don’t think companies put enough stock in their cultures. Company culture is like an employee’s attitude; it will make or break you. Your company’s culture is a strong determining factor in its adaptability. We’ve established that the only constants in the future of business are change, agility, and the ability to pivot in response to market shifts—and that technology is essential to the success of a company. Your organizational attitude is marked by your business’s aptitude to change. Are you prepared for the future? Stress Test Your Organization The best way to see where your company stands is to test the

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How Chatbots And Deep Learning Will Change The Future Of Organizations

Don’t let the fun, casual name mislead you. Chatbots—software that you can “chat with”—have serious implications for the business world. Though many businesses have already considered their use for customer service purposes, a chatbot’s internal applications could be invaluable on a larger scale. For instance, chatbots could help employees break down siloes and provide targeted data to fuel every department. This digital transformation is happening, even in organizational structures that face challenges with other formats of real-time communication. Still unclear on what chatbots are and what they do? Think of a digital assistant—such as iPhone’s Siri or Alexa, the Artificial Intelligence

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Personal Branding: A Fine Line Between Ego and Enterprise Success

With the growth of personal blogs, social media, and other online media, there has been a rapid rise in the number of individuals both within management, and the rank and file of organizations, who are building, and seeking to build, substantial online reputations. However, many companies aren’t necessarily looking at social media as a platform for individuals to build brands, but rather as a channel to reach more customers. The question is: what stance should companies take as it pertains to their employees building successful online presences? I believe it is important that employees are empowered to become advocates, but at

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Four Steps For Creating A Culture That Embraces Technology Change

Some of the biggest challenges growing enterprises face are the changes that happen along the way—this is especially true for those who get stuck in the “this is how we’ve always done it” mindset. Technology has definitely altered commerce forever, and those that have made adjustments by adopting the newest tech trends are more likely to end up leaps and bounds ahead of their more traditional minded competitors. Embracing new technology does not, of course, happen overnight, and it’s not always easy. Your company will need time to learn how to operate new hardware, use new software and apply new mobile

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