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Picture of Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter

Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter

Since 1997, Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, Chief Career Writer and Partner, CareerTrend, has collaborated with professionals in career transition, or those individuals who have a desire to ignite their existing careers. One of only 28 Master Resume Writers (MRW) in the world, Jacqui has a BA in Writing and 15-years’ corporate experience.
Picture of Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter

Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter

Since 1997, Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, Chief Career Writer and Partner, CareerTrend, has collaborated with professionals in career transition, or those individuals who have a desire to ignite their existing careers. One of only 28 Master Resume Writers (MRW) in the world, Jacqui has a BA in Writing and 15-years’ corporate experience.

When I Started Focusing on the Right Things

My husband recently summed up a work-life conversation, saying, “It’s a funny thing, but when you start focusing on the right things, everything else starts falling into place.” I cling to this, as I pursue a new phase in my journey. Just seven months ago, I felt adrift as frustration began seeping into my foundation. My resume and career storytelling business was booming, and life at the lake with my husband was an actualization of dreams. Unable to pinpoint what was amiss, returning to shore became difficult. As the intensity of these feelings grew, solution cues began to sail into my line of

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Create an Unsinkable Resume

Alicia Arenas’ recent TalentCulture post, Business Leaders: Go Niche or Go Home resonated! Arenas says that entrepreneurs must “choose a target market.” Similarly, job seekers must zero in on their target reader, and then laser-focus their words and actions on attracting that audience. As a resume writer, I only write for careerists who are targeted! And by this, I mean, you know what position you wish to attract with your resume, cover letter, biography, social media profile and the like.  Ideally, the position upon which you are concentrating is one that can be articulated with a title such as, “Marketing Director” or

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What to Include in Your Executive Career Portfolio

Conveying your executive career story can be daunting, especially as it relates to articulating a value-laden message during job search. Where do you start? What pieces of the career portfolio puzzle matter most? How do you begin the career gold ‘unearthing’ process, and then where do you display the polished gems to attract the right audience’s attention? During initial consultations with prospective resume clients, I always zero in on what I call the foundational aspect of their executive message. Although the gloriously muddied career marketing waters include initiatives like building a Personal Brand, managing your Social Media Footprint, crafting a compelling

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5 Positively Propelling Job Search Tips

Calming one’s nerves and regaining positivity and forward-momentum are fundamental to an optimistically focused job search. Though assuaged nerves and a focus on positivity are essential to a job search in a sea of opportunity, many people remain landlocked, shackled by negativity and with no intention of changing.

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Career Searching and Community Building on Calm Waters

Research and submit your resume for opportunities that would benefit from the value your entry-level skill sets and zeal offer, while also ensuring those opportunities offer prospects for future career advancement and propulsion. in researching and interviewing for your new career company, wrap your mind around the company with a reputation for a culture that fits your needs and values versus focusing purely on salary and job specifications.

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Blogging Along TalentCulture’s Highway

As a Master Resume Writer, my passion lies in the value of a muscular resume that lifts careers to new heights. Moreover, the fast-moving and intricately laced digital highway is quickly becoming clogged with an assortment of career messaging vehicles, only some of which provide value. Ensuring a stronger voice on behalf of quality, focused resume and career messaging content streams is vital to maintain communications integrity. To help kick-off my blogging relationship with TalentCulture, I’d like to introduce thoughts on two topics: Clear Resume Messaging and Resume Length: Clear Resume Messaging is the result of a complex process of career

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