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Picture of Jeana Quigley

Jeana Quigley

I've been writing articles on leadership, startups and HR for nearly two years for BambooHR. I'm passionate about company culture, workplace connections, employee onboarding and employee recognition. I love to dig in to how we can make going to work every day something everyone looks forward to and how to do our best work while having fun.
Picture of Jeana Quigley

Jeana Quigley

I've been writing articles on leadership, startups and HR for nearly two years for BambooHR. I'm passionate about company culture, workplace connections, employee onboarding and employee recognition. I love to dig in to how we can make going to work every day something everyone looks forward to and how to do our best work while having fun.

7 Ways Your Team Can Grow and Stay Together

You may have heard the adage, “Those who work together, stay together.” Or wait, is it, “Those who play together, stay together”? I’ve heard them both. Which one is it? Does it matter? I think they’re both true and important. Especially at work. A big part of getting a group of employees to gel is by adding non-work-related elements. From a study by the State of Friendship, a good portion of adults (36 percent) met one or more of their closest friends at work. And when employees have good friends at work, they’re much more likely to stick around—therefore, helping with

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How To Hire the Right Applicant Through All The Noise

It doesn’t matter how good a candidate looks on paper (or screen), what happens in the interview makes a bigger impact. We want to know how it feels to interact with these paper applicants to get a real feel of who they are and how they’ll work with others. That’s why the interview is often the tipping point for applicants. And because we’re human, it’s natural to click with people who can instantly connect with others (and usually this happens more quickly with extroverts who are comfortable talking to pretty much anybody). Introverts who usually are nervous—and perhaps whose sentences don’t

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