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Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/
Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/

Quick and Slow of the Multifaceted Brand: #TChat Recap

“Attract quickly, hire slowly.” That sentiment comes from Dave McClure, venture capitalist and founding partner at 500 Startups, an Internet start-up seed fund and incubator program in Mountain View, Calif. He was part of a panel discussion on recruiting at the War for Talent event this week, in San Francisco. For me, that phrase epitomizes how company brands are built and maintained, and how reciprocal the ebb and flow of concept to founding team to scaling a company truly are. What’s interesting is that most new jobs are created by start-ups, but most of the employed work for larger companies. So if

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Innovation Is the Heart of Job Creation: #TChat Recap

It’s not really a war; it’s a mobilization of innovation and motivated minds — the leaders, the builders, the doers, all the combined skills that make up rocket soup and of course the money that make it all happen, with barriers to business entry lower than the’ve ever been (rocket soup is what rockets needs to run on in one of my daughter’s favorite shows, Little Einsteins). At least, that’s the way it felt as I walked through Cruzioworks from my co-working office to the restroom and past the packed day-long classroom on covering HTML5. Or maybe it was jQuery. Or C#. Or

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Team Vitals Are Leaders Life Source: #TChat Recap

Understanding talent vitals, the heartbeat of your business — you don’t often hear the term “vital signs” applied outside healthcare, but in my Leadership and HR circles I’m hearing more people talking about “talent vitals,” so the term appears to have crossed the chasm.

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Meditating Captains of Crowdsourced Innovation: #TChat Recap

Just add water, sunlight and really long tethers. This is how innovative creativity blossoms in virtual global teams, right? Well, not quite, but the good news is there are so many communications tools available today that it makes it the next best thing to being there when building a quality business team. In fact, many HR and recruiting technology startups that I’ve spoken with of late have software development teams here, there and practically anywhere, and with video conferencing and a little sleep deprivation, you can meet with dev teams every day. This gives you and them the opportunity to create,

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Freelancers Make Better Business Biscuits: #TChat Recap

It’s feast or famine, but the flexibility of the feast is what can be so tasty, especially when we’re hands on in the creating. Sometimes that’s out of necessity, sometimes it’s out of want, and sometimes it’s the very essence of survival to keep food on the table. And by 2020, there could be 70 million of us. Welcome to the Freelance Nation. Companies have been operating leaner then ever the past few years because of the economic apocalypse, shedding millions of jobs of all shapes and sizes, many of which will never see the light of day again. For many

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Extracting Assessment Wisdom is a Human Endeavor: #TChat Recap

Mercy, to be a data scientist. The new geek is chic. That is where the world is going–big data is a big deal, but getting to the big insight is the trick. According to a recent The Economist article: Chief information officers (CIOs) have become somewhat more prominent in the executive suite, and a new kind of professional has emerged, the data scientist, who combines the skills of software programmer, statistician and storyteller/artist to extract the nuggets of gold hidden under mountains of data. Hal Varian, Google’s chief economist, predicts that the job of statistician will become the “sexiest” around. Data, he

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Personal Responsibility Vital to Digital Workplace: #TChat Recap

If only lie detector tests were legal. At least that was one sentiment from last night’s #TChat about the digital workplace and the responsibility of both business leaders and the employees that work for them. So wait, what about the lie detector tests? This issue lies in how personally responsible we are in the workplace when it comes to all things social and mobile. Used to be that companies only entrusted hardware and software “technology” to the business executives — like cell phones (20 pounders if you remember the 80’s) computers, e-mail, intranet (pre-internet), and even the old-school landline phones. Admins

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Seeking Good Enough in HR Recruiting Technology: #TChat Radio

Politics aside, I was glad when the President called for action to reverse unemployment and create re-employment during his State of the Union address the other night. It’s not a new buzz mantra; it’s one many of us have been advocating from the bottom of the heavy-gravity economic crater. There are so many recommendations on what to do — the primary ones being changing the archaic tax codes, changing the banking system, improving our education system, embracing global trade, saving the Eurozone — but unfortunately so many disagreements on how to get there. Employers added 200,000 jobs in December, twice the

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Collaborative Communication Car Pool Fast Lane: #TChat Recap

I got the invite to chill with someone. And that’s when it hit me: there’s just too much information, too many content curation tools, too many sharing tools, too many communications tools that don’t really help me communicate. Whirlwind. Zoom. Zis-boom-ba. Turn the fire hose off and get me a real drink. Sure, early adopters are compelled by their very nature to keep the fire hose on their hip next to their smart phones — like six-shooters ready for action. We want to experiment with innovative ideas, build on them and launch our own. But do we really need this much

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The Best Leaders Own Well-Lighted Moments: #TChat Recap

He sat at the end of the table, listening to us intently but comfortably, as if every word we spoke gave him new meaning to everything he already knew. Sometimes he placed his elbows on the table, two fingers from his right hand resting on his cheek. Sometimes his hand were in his lap, his sitting posture impervious to slump. Regardless of his physical demeanor, his focal strength was immediate and sure, the conflux moment into moment his to share with us. When he spoke, it was deliberate and sure, not rushed, and with the calming intensity of the still sea

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Performance Reviews: Like Bad High School Movies: #TChat Recap

It’s like a bad high school movie — where one clique picks on another less popular clique. But in this movie, it’s not the popular kids who taunt the geeky ones. No, in this movie the still popular kids are traditional Annual Performance Reviews and the geeky aberrations are the pundits pushing to change the system. But like the perennial popular kids of lore, these not-so-bright knuckleheads have a C average. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article titled Performance Reviews Lose Steam: Performance reviews have long received poor grades, even from those who conduct them. Nearly 60% of human-resources

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We Tweet for Community: #TChat Recap

Week after week of tweeting “The World of Work” questions and answers for an hour with a few hundred folks, many of whom you’ve never met, all within the context of 140 characters or less in big old Zen sandbox – It’s a little crazy if you think about it. I mean, who would want to do that? We would. When Meghan and I launched #TChat one year ago as an extension of the TalentCulture community, we realized it was going to be an exciting (and challenging) medium to talk about everything from recruiting to human resources to social media to business leadership

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Wild Blue Yonder of Hiring Military Veterans: #TChat Recap

During my niece’s high school graduation three years ago, the school honored those family and friends who had served in the armed forces. My father was in the Air Force, so we smiled proudly as he stood while the song played on, “Off we go, into the wild blue yonder…” Then, at the end of the graduation, Dad said, “Well, now we’ve got another graduation in two years.” (That was my nephew.) “And another one in 18,” I said. (That’s my eldest daughter, Beatrice.) He laughed and shook his head. “I don’t know about that one, son. Don’t know if I’ll

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Talent Community is a mindset. Really. #TChat Recap

A very special thank you goes out to our guests on this week’s #TChat Radio Show — The Why of Online Talent Communities — Jessica Lee, Amy Ng, Chris Havrilla and Frank Zupan joined us for a great discussion. We were certainly moved and schooled by these seasoned practitioners. If you missed it, you can stream this month’s show via the folks over at Focus.com. There’s a fox dressed like a hen in the hen house. Nobody likes that. Especially the real hens. They’ll bounce that little bugger right out of there faster than he can post: “So, do you come here often? You should

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Moving, Schooling, and Finding Your Voice: #TChat Recap

It’s simple enough: I want to be moved and schooled by what I read. A book, a short story, an article, an essay, a blog post, a Facebook update or a Tweet — all of writing is good story — the push and the pull — the laugh and the tear. Good story is the human experience, but it’s not so simple to tell– or, more appropriately, retell. Fifteen years ago an editor told me that, “You haven’t quite found your voice yet; you haven’t fallen through the center of the earth and back again. It takes experience and practice to

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Get Back to Work with Generation Now: #TChat Recap

And then there’s this: The term was used in a 1964 study of British youth by Jane Deverson. Deverson was asked by Woman’s Own magazine to interview teenagers of the time. The study revealed a generation of teenagers who “sleep together before they are married, were not taught to believe in God as ‘much’, dislike the Queen, and don’t respect parents.” Because of these controversial findings, the piece was deemed unsuitable for the magazine. Deverson, in an attempt to save her research, worked with Hollywood correspondent Charles Hamblett to create a book about the study. Hamblett decided to name it Generation

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Business, Fairness Need Not Apply: #TChat Recap

The diversity perception is much different in practice. The reality is, we discriminate; we stink at giving folks a fair shake, especially when they’re not familiar. Many of us in the world of work try to be fair, try not to choose one applicant or an internal candidate over another because of attractiveness, ethnicity, religious affiliation, physical capacity and many other attributes, including innovative like-mindedness, which isn’t the same as diversity of thought. But we prefer the attractive familiar, however subjective, both physically and mentally. According to a new study by a team of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, Dana Farber

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Demand for Great Leadership Exceeds Supply: #TChat Recap

I’m not going to throw you any softballs. We did enough of that in last night’s #TChat. Instead, I’m going to throw the next pitch really fast – the money ball – straight down the middle. C’mon, let’s see you swing. I want to see you knock it out of the park. Because for the most part, we’re not knocking it out. My hope has always been that future leadership leads us out of our corrupt economic quagmire and into new world of ethical capitalism. I’m also still hopeful about my fellow brothers and sisters today, even when time and again

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Collaborative Leadership Sparks Competitive Advantage: #TChat Preview

We weren’t supposed to win. And early on in the game it looked that way as we were down by 14 points. We were one of the best in our high school league, but our cross-town rivals were just a little bit better. Right before halftime of our big rivalry football game, with 4th down and inches to go to the goal line on a rain-soaked, muddy field, we scored a touchdown. It was risky. Our coaches wanted to just go for the field goal, but our quarterback and the entire offensive team wanted the touchdown (I played right guard) —

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Social Media Influence The AAA Rating

The only reason one has influence over another is because another acknowledges it, recognizes the existence of it. But even that’s not enough. One has to be actualized, to be made real, again and again, along with being acknowledged. Once those two things occur, then the virtal nature of peer networks accelerates the growth of one’s influence. And that acceleration is what drives social influence over time, especially online in the realm of social networks today. That’s what I call the triple AAA rating of social media influence. Social media influence can wield extensive power if it’s AAA, but it doesn’t

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The Cloud Goes On and On: #TChat Recap

Recently I bought the new Journey album. Yes, Journey the rock band. You know we love pop culture here at TalentCulture. Why not? Yes. I joked that I had bought the album — no wait, the 8-track — no wait, the cassette — no wait, the CD — no wait, I downloaded it to my laptop — no wait, I streamed it virtually to every device I own. What’s cooler? The album, of course — no wait, the streaming is. Right? Welcome to the world of cloud software and services. Not that it’s brand new; on-demand, web-based consumer and business software

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Keep the Engagement Lights on in Rolling Economic Blackout

While the global economy continues its rolling blackout – and who knows what will happen this week with the US at AA+ – we keep talking by candlelight about employee retention, employee engagement and all workplace things touchy-feely as if they’re inspirational anecdotes of an alternate universe we should all be living in. There are some exceptions of course, but we usually don’t live in that electrified looking glass. For example, are you employees doing a lot more with a lot less? Are they burned out? Do they tell you they are? Are they looking for a way out? Are you

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Internal Mobility for Your Talent Clouds: #TChat Recap

If you want to make it rain inside and out, you’ve got to be able to control your talent weather. More precisely, you must be able to understand the molecular makeup of your talent clouds, and how rapidly the combining and recombining of the molecules change the innovative power of your people. Wouldn’t you rather be able to predict your weather rather than be carried away in the storm? That means having to look outward for talent sunshine, which is usually more costly in regards to attracting, recruiting, hiring, on-boarding and training. Necessary depending on who and what you’re hiring for,

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On Air Talent: Introducing #TChat Radio

When TalentCulture founder Meghan M. Biro and I launched #TChat last November, we had no idea it would take off like it did. Of course we had expectations, but still had no idea. We rotate topics each week to encompass a wide range of topics that affect all of us globally in the World of Work. There are hundreds of Twitter Chats out there today competing for every tweeter’s frenetically brief but unique attention span – the Twitter events where participants talk about various subjects across industries and use a hashtag (like #TChat) to manage the chat stream. It’s been an

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For Millions, A Dream Job Means Having One: #TChat Recap

I love this Dairy Queen commercial: “We don’t just blow bubbles — we blow bubbles with kittens inside them.” Brilliant. There’s my dream job. No, make that two dream jobs. One, blowing bubbles with kittens inside them, and two, writing such funny and memorable commercials. Right on. Absolutely mint. “Because at Dairy Queen, good isn’t good enough.” And that’s the rub of the proverbial dream job. The unfortunate fact is that for over half of us, bad dreams are only what’s good enough for now. Consider this from a recent TLNT post titled Survey: Half of Employees Want to Leave or

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