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Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/
Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/

Brand Reality of Buying Wonka Bars at Walmart: #TChat Recap

Your brand is how your company tastes inside and out. This includes your your employment brand and B2B and/or B2C corporate brand. Used to be that all we ever saw of the inside was what was printed on the outside — the pretty packaging and marketing spin as well as what was regulated by the Federal government (which most of us never really read, and if we did, we didn’t understand it and still don’t). The brand tastes were still pretty much similar and controlled by the company. In fact, until recently it was only the sugar coating we ever really

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When HR is About the Biz and Embraced by It: #TChat Recap

When HR is truly about the business, embraced by the business, then they should manage all of people management, from beginning to end. And it’s getting there for many HR executives. Yet still for others, not so much. No matter the title you give Human Resources, those “business partners” I know in the space are the ones who manage the internal talent economy. That doesn’t mean that the HR executive does the day to day tactical of recruiting, training, reviewing and all the minutia of compliance and administrative tasks. However, to all my recruiter friends out there, no need to throw

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Leaders Create Solutions, Not Dysfunction: #TChat Recap

There’s a scene in the movie The Company Men where a laid-off executive (Tommy Lee Jones) confronts his old CEO (Craig T. Nelson), who happens to be his partner with whom he started the now struggling shipping business. The fired exec taunts his CEO about all the recent lay offs and his selfish focus on shareholder value. The CEO fires back “this is a business, not a charity.” And when the CEO reveals that the company was bought out at $X per share for a lucrative return, the fired exec says, “Good for you.” Then the CEO asks his old partner

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In the World of Our Work, We Are the Architects: #TChat Recap

If we all knew what we wanted to be when we grew up, then what’s the point of growing up? Where’s the beauty in the journey? When I say “beauty” I’m not talking just about the literal kind of pretty, I mean the mindful presence of learning to own your life decisions, your failures, your successes and your over- and under-reactions, your disruptive passions and your nonchalant, middle-of-the-road actions…your life. Let me digress sentimental… Growing up (aren’t we always growing up?), I wanted to be an architect. And a poet/novelist. And a rock star drummer. Quite a combo I know. What

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HR Innovation Should Keep us All In Business: #TChat Recap

“Gadgets be gone.” Ah, no truer words have ever been spoken. That was one of my lighter “tweetable” sentiments from yesterday’s HRO Today Forum analyst panel where we discussed the process of innovation between HR technology suppliers and practitioner buyers, and more specifically the lack thereof. A recent HRO Today survey of over 100 buyers and providers of HR technology revealed quite a disparity, more so than I would’ve guessed. The analyst panel was a great group that included Madeline Laurano, Talent Systems Analyst of The Newman Group; Mark McMillan, co-founder of Talent Function Group; Katherine Jones, Principal Analyst of Bersin

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Fighting the Beast of Unemployment: An Economic Boost is Needed

Repeat after me: there are no magic job wands. Whether you believe there’s a talent war or not, there are still too many of us out of work. There are shortages of skills, a growing global competitiveness and industries with jobs that will most likely never be heard from again. But buying into the fairy tale that [insert politician and/or political party of choice here] can and should be the magical job creator that will save us from ourselves only lends us false hope. Unfortunately we’re going to hear a lot of that rhetoric in the next 18 months. This is

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Some of My Best Friends are in HR, Back Off: #TChat Recap

It’s as if HR became a simultaneous cliche and pariah that’s at least earned a seat at the kiddie table. Like geeks that keep stuff glued together and in working order so the company doesn’t get sued or lose too many good employees or has to lose employees the right way because of a downsizing. But hey, those are my friends you’re talking about, those fine people in human resources and talent management, so back off. About 150 of them will be gathered in Atlanta for HRevolution — the progressive people management event for human resources professionals, recruiters, and business leaders to

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Managing Virtual Teams: #TChat Recap

Let’s face it. Workgroups aren’t what they used to be. Odds are that half the members of any team aren’t employees – and many don’t have offices in the same city – let alone the same building. In an increasingly remote, fluid workforce, how can we ensure cohesive workflow and stellar results?

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Higher Ed? Degree of Experience Counts #TChat Recap

Remember in the 1970’s when the tech world was still in its infancy and engineers and developers walked in off the streets without college degrees? And then again in the late 1990’s during the dot.com boom if you had any Web HTML experience and a pulse? Ah, the good ol’ days when demand exceeded supply. Actually, the good ol’ anomalies, because for most of the recruiting and HR hiring pros of the world, a college degree tends to trump experience more often than not. Not necessarily the name brand of the college, but the fact that you went to an accredited

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A Good Detective Knows Emotional Intelligence Trumps IQ– Just Ask My Dad

“In the fields I have studied, emotional intelligence is much more powerful than IQ in determining who emerges as a leader. IQ is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn’t make you a star. Emotional Intelligence can.” –Warren Bennis, leadership pioneer, author and researcher My dad was in the business of chasing bad guys across paper. And he was really good at it; he had found his true passion in work and life — his groovy do-be-do. As a detective in charge of forgery and fraud in the California Central Valley town I grew up in, chasing bad guys

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Impact of Social, Mobile and Video on Workplace Culture: #TChat Preview

I remember way back in the fall of 2009 (yes, it feels that way), both at the HR Technology Conference and Onrec, that the three technology workplace culture rock stars of 2010 were going to be: Social Mobile Video And for the most part, they were.  Not in a mass adoption sense — it’s still too early even today for that.  But we definitely saw a lot of cool new applications and lots of talk about all three — from business leaders, HR and recruiting icons, HR technology suppliers and individual contributors. But how did those rock stars affect everyday workplace culture

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Lead small. Think big. And be aware of self-endurance.

At the end of July, I ran the Wharf to Wharf for the fourth time. It’s a local 10K race first started in 1973. There are now 15,000 people who run this race every year. Imagine being elbow-to-elbow for much of the first 2-3 miles and even through the end of the race. The act of running the race became a metaphor for me of what leaders and managers go through every day of their leading and managing lives. And every run since then, even if it’s just me and a few others early in the morning out on the running

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