I grew up loving the Raiders. Before the 2010 NFL season started, I had a Silver and Black rock and roll attack!
But for the first four weeks of this season, I had nothing but Silver and Black heart attacks. They were at the bottom of the AFC West.
Argh. Although when I take another look at the homemade video montage of the 2010 draft picks, I get all fired up inside all over again. Plus the fact that during the last four weeks they’re winning, winning, winning and movin’ on up (4-4)!
These big boys are still excited to work play. Ready to give 110% to just get chance to work play on the team they were hired to play for any given Sunday (or sometimes Monday, Thursday and/or Saturday).
The Raiders and their lore are personified by none other than John Madden — Mr. Football himself.
John was an inspiration who loved, lived and breathed his game everyday. His coaching staff loved the game. His players loved the game.
Love, Love, Love — there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.
Under Madden’s guidance, Oakland never experienced a losing season.
Can you imagine if your players employees worked that hard for your organization? There’s no way a team gets jazzed and exceeds expectations because they show up only to pick up a paycheck.
There’s a lot more to it than that — whether you’re playing in the NFL, selling clothes at Kohl’s, developing products for Apple, or reinventing the way we watch movies like Netflix.
The motivational sentiment of giving 110% is nice, but no one can really give more than what they’ve got. It’s much more realistic to get your staff to give 100% by challenging them to give their all, to be better at what they do and why they do it, and to love what they do while working hard doing it.
Leadership and HR expert Dave Ulrich touts that when workers find meaning in their jobs, they’re more productive and contribute more to the organization as a whole.
So in a very small space, here’s what we’ve got for why employees give 100%:
What better architect and facilitator for all of these but HR, right? In fact, if human resources and the organizations for which they worked focused more on empowering their leaders and employees rather than enabling them (as in non-productive co-dependency), then maybe we’d advance the workplace a lot farther than we have to date.
We should all know no other way to work play.
Be better and brighter.
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