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Picture of Melissa Dawn Photiades

Melissa Dawn Photiades

A marketing professional with over a decade of leadership experience. Melissa has led marketing teams in companies ranging from travel to fundraising to small business apps, always multiplying results with her contagious ambition. And while the pressure of being the marketing mastermind would be more than enough for most pros, Melissa is also VP of Talent Management of Herd Wisdom.
Picture of Melissa Dawn Photiades

Melissa Dawn Photiades

A marketing professional with over a decade of leadership experience. Melissa has led marketing teams in companies ranging from travel to fundraising to small business apps, always multiplying results with her contagious ambition. And while the pressure of being the marketing mastermind would be more than enough for most pros, Melissa is also VP of Talent Management of Herd Wisdom.

Is the Engagement Spark Gone in Your Workforce?

Have you noticed that the passion you once saw in your workers is fading, or completely burned out? The blame game isn’t fun, but let’s just say that most of the time, it isn’t their fault. Organizations will go to great lengths to source and attract great talent, but then their efforts to impress will often come to a halt before the ink on the I-9 is even dry. Leaders are quickly realizing that retention efforts are just as important, if not more, than attraction. So how can employers fan the flame and keep their workers as passionate about the brand

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6 Eye-Opening Employee Engagement Statistics

You know those company videos or blog posts aimed at showing the world just how great Company X is to work for? Everyone is having fun at work, and they’re smiling while talking about all the perks. We have come to think of this as what an engaged workforce might look like. This Pleasantville snapshot can be a bit misleading. While it would be great to walk into an office of positive attitudes and buzzing energy, if real engagement isn’t present, that office will soon have an order to vacate on their door. Realizing that there is a difference between satisfied

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Employee Engagement And Your Pie Hole

Leaders everywhere are jumping on board with the employee engagement movement. They have different tactics, go-to blogs and conferences to help them with this mission that is supposed to increase productivity, slash turnover rates and build that stellar employer brand that employers need working for them more than ever. A lot of employers are trying the latest in employee engagement surveys, rewards programs and competitive compensation practices…and then they open their open their big, fat pie hole and ruin it all. Put simply, a program or initiative isn’t going to cut it where employee engagement is concerned; it takes a cultural

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6 Listening Lessons From The Experts

Calvin Coolidge once said, “No man ever listened himself out of a job”. As an employee engagement specialist, this quote really resonates with me. Solid and effective communication in the workplace is undoubtedly how we can start to turn around the $11 billion lost annually due to employee turnover. When we talk about improving workplace communications most people will immediately think of ways to be heard more, to accurately get their point across and garner respect. However, effective communication has two sides, and the listening side very often gets neglected. Take some lessons in listening from the greats. “The most basic of

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How Deep Does Engagement Really Go?

How Deep Does Engagement Really Go?

A recent Gallup poll found that engaged employees display an unexpectedly strong commitment to their work. Almost two-thirds (63%) of workers whom Gallup classified as engaged in their jobs would not leave their current position if they won $10 million in the lottery. This commitment did not translate as strongly with those workers disengaged counter-parts. Only 42% of disengaged workers, and 20% of actively disengaged workers polled say they would continue to work in their current job. Beyond the Paycheck Looking at those numbers, we can safely say that the majority of engaged workers embrace the benefits of having a job

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