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Picture of Todd Owens

Todd Owens

Todd Owens is CEO at the technology company TalentWise, transforming the hiring process into an easier, faster, better experience for HR and candidates alike. Todd previously held senior Product Management and Business Development roles at both Wind River Systems and Siebel Systems. Early in his career, Todd was a United States Navy submarine officer serving aboard the USS Pogy (SSN 647) and on the Third Fleet staff. Todd's been recognized four times as a “Superstar Provider"  by HRO Today magazine. Todd holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Naval Academy and a Masters in Business Administration from the Harvard Business School.
Picture of Todd Owens

Todd Owens

Todd Owens is CEO at the technology company TalentWise, transforming the hiring process into an easier, faster, better experience for HR and candidates alike. Todd previously held senior Product Management and Business Development roles at both Wind River Systems and Siebel Systems. Early in his career, Todd was a United States Navy submarine officer serving aboard the USS Pogy (SSN 647) and on the Third Fleet staff. Todd's been recognized four times as a “Superstar Provider"  by HRO Today magazine. Todd holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Naval Academy and a Masters in Business Administration from the Harvard Business School.

Transparency: A Red Carpet Experience for Candidates

“Your Uber driver is named Pete. He’s driving a white Prius and will arrive in 3 minutes.”  People aren’t happy about having to slog through poorly designed experiences anymore. Companies like Uber and Lyft are driving demand for white-glove services and full transparency, transforming the age-old experience of hailing a cab into a less anxiety-inducing and more human experience. In the past year, the bar was raised on how people expect to experience many everyday services, and they’re now demanding a more “Uber-fied” experience everywhere. These expectations have even made their way into the employment process, where the war on talent

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The Balancing Act: Technology And The Human Element

TalentWise just wrapped up our best HR Tech conference yet. As I cruised the show floor, engaged with analysts and customers, and chatted with fellow HR tech executives, it struck me how lucky we are to be in this industry. The next 10 years will bring a wholesale change in the way companies recruit, hire, manage, and engage their workforces, not to mention a significant reshuffling of the deck chairs among the vendors supporting them. HR is approaching a critical juncture, and must decide whether to leap forward or risk being left behind. The keynote speaker, Andrew McAfee, struck a chord

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Screening And Onboarding: The “Yin and Yang” Of Hiring

I’m frequently asked why TalentWise offers two seemingly different services—screening and onboarding —as one. What do they have to do with one another? My answer: Everything. They are the two primary components of hiring, the process of moving a candidate from job offer to day one, and must be considered collectively when creating this mission-critical process and making associated technology decisions. Doing so will reduce inefficiency for Human Resources, the hiring manager, and most importantly, the new hire. The Yin Pre-employment screening is a high touch service. It involves online and offline research, personal contact, and significant manual processing. Increasingly, the

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5 Reasons To Unify Your Hiring Process

Employers invest significant time and money to find the best candidate. However, too many companies are jeopardizing their investment by failing to unify the subsequent hiring process. The hiring process bridges the gap between recruiting and day one, most often served by a wide variety of point solutions.  These point solutions can be simple paper or fax-based processes, or quite automated, such as an electronic I-9 solution, drug testing or background screening system. A disjointed hiring process doesn’t talk well with payroll or core HR systems and requires too many unnecessary steps for both the candidate and HR. At TalentWise, we

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