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Picture of William Powell

William Powell

William Powell is a candid, witty and passionate professional who is known for his work over the last decade as an advisor for leadership development, organizational culture development and employee engagement. He is known internationally by for profits, non-profits and individual professionals for his candor and insight not only in the area of self-leadership, but as a valued consultant, dynamic speaker, and trusted coach.
Picture of William Powell

William Powell

William Powell is a candid, witty and passionate professional who is known for his work over the last decade as an advisor for leadership development, organizational culture development and employee engagement. He is known internationally by for profits, non-profits and individual professionals for his candor and insight not only in the area of self-leadership, but as a valued consultant, dynamic speaker, and trusted coach.

What Can Cloud Do For The World of Work? #TChat Preview

Originally posted by Matt Charney one of #TChat’s moderators, on MonsterThinking Blog Systems are the lifeblood of HR; after all, there’s nothing human resources loves more than compliance and reporting, two key functions driven almost solely by ERPs and similar solutions. But as anyone who’s ever survived a systems conversion or integration can vouch, the biggest problem with these tools is that they’re almost always completely disparate, diffusing data into divergent databases that don’t intuitively interface or integrate. But the question becomes (and it’s an urgent one for HR leaders, talent professionals and leaders): if our systems don’t talk to each

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