Originally posted by Matt Charney one of #TChat’s moderators, on MonsterThinking Blog
Systems are the lifeblood of HR; after all, there’s nothing human resources loves more than compliance and reporting, two key functions driven almost solely by ERPs and similar solutions.
But as anyone who’s ever survived a systems conversion or integration can vouch, the biggest problem with these tools is that they’re almost always completely disparate, diffusing data into divergent databases that don’t intuitively interface or integrate.
But the question becomes (and it’s an urgent one for HR leaders, talent professionals and leaders): if our systems don’t talk to each other, how can we expect our people to do any differently?
For all the time and resources invested by HR and executive leadership to drive cross-functional collaboration and enterprise alignment among teams, the simple sharing of systems goes a long way into embedding – and automating – the business of doing business across your business.
The ability to seamlessly tie systems and solutions together, the scaling and maximizing of resources and potential cost savings are but a few of the reasons why so many people are so excited about the evolution of cloud computing, a broad concept with even broader business implications.
While it’s a topic many might neglect or take for granted, cloud computing represents both the future possibilities – and to some extent, present day realities – of today’s world of work.
If you’ve ever bought a product from Amazon, used Tweetdeck or “liked” an article or blog post, you’ve witnessed the cloud in action – even if you didn’t know it.
That’s the thing about clouds – they’re essential, yet ephemeral.
#TChat Questions & Cloud Computing Recommended Reading (08.24.11)
We hope you can join us this Wednesday, August 24 at 7 PM ET/4 PM PT for this week’s #TChat about cloud computing and technologies. We’ll find out what cloud can do for you – and your business’ systems, people and organizations in what’s sure to be a lively, informative and potentially contentious conversation.
To help prepare, and inform, your participation in this week’s #TChat dialogue, here are the questions we’ll be covering this week, along with some recommended reading that, while not required to participate in #TChat, will help shine some light on the cloud – and what it means for the world of work.
Hope to see you at #TChat! If you’re new to #TChat or want more information, be sure to check out “What is #TChat ” from our partners @TalentCulture :
1) What is the “cloud?” To what extent does it impact our work today?
Read: What We Talk About When We Talk About Cloud Computing by Rajen Sheth
2) What are some of the biggest business benefits from cloud computing?
Read: How to Get Started With Cloud Computing by Beth Schultz
3) What are some of the drawbacks or potential landmines of the cloud?
Read: Don’t Rain on the Parade: Cloud Computing & Leadership by Meghan M. Biro
4) How might cloud technologies impact recruiting, HR or job search?
Read: Turning “Big Data” Into A Big Employer Advantage by Jessica Sutera
5) What do leaders need to know about the cloud? Any misconceptions?
Read: Rethinking the Cloud by Brad Peters
6) What are some new or interesting applications of cloud technologies that you see evolving in the future?
Read: Moving the Mundane to the Cloud by Steve Boese
Visit www.talentculture.com for more great information on #TChat, as well as other great resources on careers and hiring.
Monster’s social media team supports #TChat’s mission of sharing “ideas to help your business and your career accelerate — the right people, the right ideas, at the right time.”
We’ll be joining the conversation at our new time this Wednesday night as co-hosts with Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman from 7-8 p.m. (Eastern) via @MonsterCareers and @Monster_Works
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