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When you hear the word “performance management” what comes to mind? I’m sure you’ll agree it is a fundamental aspect of the human resources function. But do you grimace a bit, knowing that even though this should be one of your organization’s strengths, you haven’t quite cracked the code?
Well let me assure you, you’re not alone. A surprising number of employers are still struggling to get performance management right. And that’s not just my opinion.
In 2022, 95% of managers told Gallup they’re dissatisfied with their organization’s review system. That’s massive. And employee opinion isn’t much better. As Josh Bersin noted last year, “It’s astounding that almost 70% of employees believe their performance process is a waste of time.”
Agreed — astounding. No employer wants to accept that kind of status quo. So, if you could do anything to improve your performance management methods, what would that be? Join me as I look for helpful answers on today’s #WorkTrends podcast…
If you’re ready to transform performance management at your company, you’ll want to listen closely to this conversation with Julie Jeannotte (JJ), an HR Expert and Researcher at Workleap Officevibe.
With over two decades of experience as a human resources leader and coach, JJ combines a unique blend of passion, empathy, and strategic acumen to ensure that Workleap’s products are in tune with the human side of business. This requires her to conduct ongoing research, so she can keep her finger on the pulse of critical HR market issues, needs, and trends.
In addition, JJ is a veteran podcaster who currently hosts Workleap’s podcast, Vibe Check. So I’m thrilled she’s joining us to talk about why performance management needs a refresh, and how agility can help you rise to this challenge. Check these highlights from our conversation…
- If you care about retaining employees, focus on performance management. Many organizations are prioritizing workforce motivation, engagement, and long-term retention. But if you haven’t been looking at performance management’s role, it’s time to make this an action item.
- Remember that nimbleness is your friend. Whenever you have a choice, always lean into agility.
- With a culture of continuous learning, everyone wins. It takes commitment and work to develop a culture where people feel they’re encouraged and rewarded for continually learning, growing, and improving. But it’s absolutely worth the effort, no matter how you measure success.

How should we define continuous performance management?
[4:10] The best answer is to contrast it with known concepts like traditional and frequent approaches. Think of traditional as a formal annual review. That contrasts with frequent reviews that take place a few times a year — say quarterly.
However, truly continuous performance management involves regular check-ins where goals, accomplishments, and performance are discussed on an ongoing basis.
This kind of dialogue makes expectations visible all year long, which improves alignment, productivity, and engagement.
Frequent one-on-ones are key because they encourage regular feedback exchanges, clear goal-setting, and progress reviews that emphasize learning and development opportunities.
Over all, it’s a more agile, responsive approach that enables quick adjustments, improvements, and fosters a culture of growth.
What are the top challenges among companies with traditional methods and tools?
[6:48] Performance management is the hated beast of managers, HR leaders, and employees alike. And that’s so sad. Because when you do it right, it’s actually the most powerful tool to engage and align your people with common goals.
Plus, it creates the culture of feedback we’ve discussed. These days, that’s what helps retain talent and grow your business.
Also, with continuous communication you won’t drop the ball like Google with recent layoff communications…
[9:03] Yes. Because Workleap focuses on understanding employee dissatisfaction, I’d like to share some related insights from our pulse surveys.
This is real-time data from more than 6,000 companies around the world in 20 industries:
- More than 75% of employees aren’t fully satisfied with the frequency of recognition they receive.
- Only 42% say they’re getting feedback frequently enough to improve.
- And more than 50% feel their performance isn’t evaluated fairly.
So if we’re trying to solve for continuous rapport between managers and employees, something is fundamentally wrong.
What do managers and leaders need to change for a more agile approach?
[11:19] The manager’s role needs to shift from boss to coach. That’s not a small feat. It’s a full role redesign.
But if managers don’t possess the skill, attitude, knowledge and aptitude to do this, the whole system suffers. If developing people is not their passion and priority, we’re heading for a disaster.
Managers need to be able to bring out the best in employees. They need to recognize talent and systematically coach people to leverage their true potential. So all-in-all, this shift from boss to coach is really a shift in both mindset and culture…
To find out more about agile performance management, visit the Workleap Officevibe website for articles, ebooks, courses and other helpful resources.
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Also, would you like to continue this conversation on social media? Follow TalentCulture or use our #WorkTrends hashtag anytime on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Let’s talk!