Going Social: Learning In Action #TChat Recap
How can social learning create a competitive advantage for today’s organizations? Ideas you can use — from this week’s 3rd Anniversary #TChat events
How can social learning create a competitive advantage for today’s organizations? Ideas you can use — from this week’s 3rd Anniversary #TChat events
Looking back at the best of #TChat — with gratitude for everyone who brings the TalentCulture community to life
There are many paths in the world of work. But one thing is for sure — with community along for the ride, it’s never lonely!
Can you believe #TChat has been going strong for three years? Time flies on the stream! Let’s talk about the future of social learning and your thoughts on community
On the second anniversary of #TChat, the TalentCulture community celebrates the spirit of collaboration, social learning and organizational growth with inspiring thoughts from some of our most faithful participants.
Ending a year of workplace conversations with gratitude…