5 “Foot” Steps To Creating Brand Humanization
I’m super passionate about the importance of Brand Humanization, that mix of culture, community and corporation which can create magic for employees and shareholders, or
I’m super passionate about the importance of Brand Humanization, that mix of culture, community and corporation which can create magic for employees and shareholders, or
Notice how hard brands and company leaders are fighting for your attention lately? They’re trying Brand Humanization; to position products and services to appeal to
These days, brands are doing everything they can to position products and services. This includes trying to appeal to customers at a human level. A
Getting up close and personal with brand humanization. An intimate slice of life…
Brand humanization. That’s a mouthful. Sounds important, and it is. So, what is it, really, and why is it crucial in today’s world of work? That’s this week’s #TChat focus…
Social media makes it possible for businesses to interact with employees, customers and others in ways that are far more immediate, direct and personal. But blending high tech and high touch requires work…
#TChat Teaser Video: Take look at how Jamie defines brand humanization, and explains why it’s important for everyone to understand this concept…
Your brand is how your company tastes inside and out. This includes your your employment brand and B2B and/or B2C corporate brand. Used to be
Originally posted by Matt Charney on MonsterThinking Blog The average worker today has more brands to deal with than a Texas cattle rancher, but one
Through the years, technologies have transformed many businesses and industries – while displacing others. But from where I stand, emerging social technologies are rapidly transforming HR for the better. Here’s why…
Social recruiting isn’t really about technology – it’s about what you DO with the technology. Bottom line: It’s (still) all about relationships…
As social media exposes business cultures in new and revealing ways, employers can choose to leverage this new transparency, or shy away. I say go bold! Those who own their culture will win employees, customers and others. Seize the day!
Be true to your brand – it’s as important for employers as it is for job candidates. Know your strengths – and know how to present them in the best light…