Informed Managers Drive Employee Success
When you put the right information in the hands of business managers, Employee Success will follow. Consider these 3 ways to make it happen…
When you put the right information in the hands of business managers, Employee Success will follow. Consider these 3 ways to make it happen…
Social media has made our lives open books. But what are the implications for how we manage our individual “brands”? The TalentCulture community shared opinions and ideas…
Brand humanization. That’s a mouthful. Sounds important, and it is. So, what is it, really, and why is it crucial in today’s world of work? That’s this week’s #TChat focus…
#TChat Teaser Video: Take look at how Jamie defines brand humanization, and explains why it’s important for everyone to understand this concept…
As social media exposes business cultures in new and revealing ways, employers can choose to leverage this new transparency, or shy away. I say go bold! Those who own their culture will win employees, customers and others. Seize the day!