“Act as if what you do makes a difference.
It does.” -William James
It really does. Live who you are and be the difference not only in your own life, but in those around you as well. Each and every moment is a opportunity. The subtle inter-connectedness we have with those closest to us ripples outward from the pebble plunk touching even the most distant connections.
However, it’s our responsibility to manage the plunks. Being mindful and purposeful is what makes all the difference in the ripple effect.
Every Point of Presence is a “Plunk”
This is the new age of transparency and personal branding; you have to own each and every moment and every opportunity. Even for those of you who stay in the social shadows online, the light will find you at some point. Professionally speaking, that is. The world of work has new rules of personal branding and marketing today. Even if a prospective employer requires you only to submit a traditional resume and cover letter, odds you’re being vetted online in every way publicly possible – starting with a search engine query.
You are your own subdued reality show — so why not exploit the new branding and marketing rules for your own benefit? Why not be accurate, consistent, accessible and personable in every point of presence you “plunk” in?
The Medium is the Message
Brand marketers today know that everyone consumes content a little differently, so keep that in mind as you create content that supports you and your personal brand. Diversify the ripple with a variety of good stories about who you are and what you aspire to be and do — bring those stories to life across multiple media — written word, video, audio and/or visual imagery.
Make a difference and be a difference. Those who feel the ripples of warm, reassuring water passing them by will stop and take notice. That’s the bottom line lesson from this week’s TalentCulture community focus on “brand you.” Below are several other takeaways to consider, along with links to archives of the week’s activities.
1) Every Brand Tells a Networked Story
Each of us has a professional pathway, triumphant successes, and painful failures. All of these “brand you” elements are increasingly visible, and connected with others. Whether or not we proactively develop a personal brand strategy , our collective actions and associations reflect upon us, individually and in relation to our employers. And similarly, our employer’s brand reflects upon us. It’s a delicate symbiotic relationship.
2) There’s Nowhere to Hide
Assume everyone is watching, even if no cameras are in the room. Social media captures and exposes interactions. It blurs the lines of communication among job candidates, employees, customers, business partners, organizational leaders and recruiters. So, what are the issues and opportunities that come along with this fluid, open digital village?
3) Listen to Smart Brand Guidance
That’s why #TChat called-in brand management big guns to lead the way this week:
If you missed any of this week’s events – or if want to revisit insights anytime – just follow the links below…
#TChat Week-in-Review
SUN 2/24
In a Forbes.com post, TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro outlined the premise for this week’s focus on career strategy and branding: “5 Steps to Discovering the Brand You”
Listen to the #TChat Radio recording
MON 2/25
#TChat Weekly Preview laid out key questions for the community to consider: “Empower the Brand You”
TUE 2/26
#TChat Radio Show: Our hosts sat down with Chris LaVoie and Rayanne Thorn for an up-close and personal brands – and their role in the world of work
WED 2/27
#TChat Twitter : Rayanne returned to moderate our freewheeling #TChat Twitter forum, and we set the stream on fire! By the end of the hour, the #TChat hashtag was trending globally on Twitter – a sign of tremendous “signal” strength. But we care most about the quality of the conversation. What were people saying? And did others find it useful?
Participants included job-seekers, recruiters, consultants, writers, thought leaders, social media specialists, marketing professionals, and even a couple of CEOs. Now that’s proof of the relationship between individual brands and the world of work! And what were they talking so fast and furiously about?
To see highlights from yesterday’s #TChat Twitter forum, please watch the Storify slideshow below:
#TChat INSIGHTS Slide Show: “Empower the Brand You ”
[javascript src=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-insights-empower-the-brand-you.js?template=slideshow”]
Closing Notes
THANKS: Again, thanks to Rayanne Thorn and Chris LaVoie for sharing your personal stories, aspirations, and professional expertise with the TalentCulture community this week. You bring context, dimension and personality to the concept of employer/employee branding.
NOTE TO BLOGGERS : Did this week’s events inspire you to write about career management or recruiting issues? We’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we’ll pass it along.
WHAT’S AHEAD : Next week, we’re looking at the power of collaboration tools and techniques in helping diverse minds work together more effectively in today’s workplace. Save the date for #TChat Radio , Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30pm ET. And #TChat Twitter Wednesday, March 6, at 7pm ET. Look for more details next Monday via @TalentCulture and #TChat .
Until then – we’ll see you on the stream!
Image Credit: Pixabay
[View the story “#TChat INSIGHTS: Empower the Brand You” on Storify ]
#TChat INSIGHTS: Empower the Brand You
Storified by TalentCulture World of Work · Wed, Feb 27 2013 17:37:25
#TChat Trending! http://pic.twitter.com/Ac7CNytn0vJobscience
Q1: The level of transparency for job candidates, employees, and employers is higher than ever. Good or bad? Why or why not? #TChatRayanne
A1: Your brand must start with you — and stay true to you #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1 I transparency is good but for younger crowd not mature enough to understand what it means #TchatLisa Larter
A1) it’s great for people who know how to use the tools. People who know their way around the internet will do well #tchatRich Grant
A1: Transparency leads to accountability. Both good things in business/life. #tchatSpark Hire
A1. Transparency heals and transforms. #tchatMichael Clark
#Tchat A1 Transparency for employers is a window to the essence of the company, which is good, a public forum makes for a true meritocracy.ALEX BOTTOM
A1: Make sure #hiring transparency includes synergy b/w words & body language. Do they match? #TchatLara Zuehlke
A1. Transparency=hiring the right person with the right skills for the right job. #tchatTerri Klass
A1: Transparency is great in business. Personal privacy has to remain an option. #tchatRoger Veliquette
A1. Transparency is a good thing I think, be honest with applicants org culture and funding for things like professional devel #TchatGuy Davis
A1 The internet makes things pretty transparent these days #tchatSalt Recruitment
A1) too much info can be a bad thing, if it causes people to make incorrect assumptions #tchatRich Grant
A1 Good transparency allows a company to hire based not only where they’re at but where they want to go. #TchatBeverly Davis
A1 Transparency is a two-way street. Be honest about what you bring to the table as well. #TChatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A1 transparency is one sided. Most senior level managers are not sharing liek their employees IMO #TchatLisa Larter
A1. The important thing to remember is: are you being transparent in the right way? Is it effective? Is it relevant? #tchatKimPope
A1: the question is transparent about what – there is still such a thing as too much information #tchatSusan Mazza
A1: The problem with transparency is both people & companies are delusional about who they are. #denial #tchatHeather Bussing
A1 Good because get to see candidate from many angles. Nobody is perfect. Poor experience if data used just in tick box assessment. #TchatSejual
A1: Good b/c now everything is crystal clear for both sides and now MOST LIKELY an honest and proper #decisionmaking can be done! #tchatAlam Sugarman
@TalentCulture #tchat #marcoisland http://pic.twitter.com/ZdlTDclecFLisa Larter
Q2: Does the world of work need a reality-based TV show? Why or why not? #TChatRayanne
A2: No, we live business/opportunities all day long. The last thing I want to do is come home and live even more. #tchatMichael Chopp, PHR
A2. Ughhh. Reality shows are NEVAH “needed” for anything and they’re never real either. #tchatHeather Bussing
A2: We are all interesting but THAT interesting? I don’t throw TV-worthy diva fits at work. Sorry. #TChatJoel Peterson
A2 I don’t think reality tv would add value, too much distrust on the truth #TchatLisa Larter
A2: Hehe, if it’s a real “reality” based recruiting show, let me give em a challenge!!! #TChatJanis Stacy
A2. It could be a good way for job seekers to see the other side of the process and see what recruiters look for #tchatKimPope
A2:I think we can re-design reality shows – They don’t all need to be Sleazy Shore! #TchatRayanne
A2: All reality shows are somewhat “scripted” so a reality show about life at work would only be worth it if it was not “managed.” #TChatJoel Peterson
A2: The Apprentice & Trump is a gr8 lesson in what not to do as a leader. #tchatJohn R. Bell
A2: We don’t need another reality show – just better editing of the stories we’re already telling. #tchatAndy Janning
A2: (Raises hand with puzzled look) What’s the point of a world of work reality TV show? Who for? #TchatLara Zuehlke
A2. Job seekers can see how other job seekers epically fail on this show and hopefully learn not to do it themselves 🙂 #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A2: There is too much “Truman Show” in our lives today. No more reality TV #tchatJen Olney
A2: Most ppl I know think of Reality TV as a *freak shows*. Is this the way 2 portray the hiring process, or is it too late? #TChatNancy Barry-Jansson
A2 Ready for a career makeover show. Needed. #TChatMarla Gottschalk PhD
#Tchat A2 Work is reality… Eyeballs flow to quality Information and topical authority is transferred to producers of relevant content.ALEX BOTTOM
A2 The question to ask is how real is the Reality show? Is there a transparency enough for people to see?#tchatSonalee Arvind
A2: I have to say that I have a lot of time for Shark Tank’s principles. #tchatJohn R. Bell
A2: But, if we can deliver good story for a cause, even ever so embellished hyper-reality, them I’m in. #TChatKevin W. Grossman
A2 Not helpful. Reality TV edited to serve up hype and drama. We watch world of work through unreal lens of show editor #TchatSejual
Online vetting can create tunnel vision. Traditional interviews, experience, references, 1 to 1 are essential. #Tchat A2Lois Martin
Here are my office digs, as requested. Small but cozy. (See top right corner for various board games.) #Tchat http://twitpic.com/c7cw1qJoel Peterson
Q3: Do we really live in an online peer-vetted playing field? Why or why not? #TChatRayanne
A3 Digital life and “real” life are increasingly overlapping #tchatChristopher Yeh
A3 Smart people don’t show “everything” online – that’s what branding is about – you can be honest without being “naked” #tchatAnnette Richmond
A3: To an extent. Tech has placed us in a peer-vetted environment but employers (or recruiters) are stuck in the 90’s. #TchatDamon Lovett
A3 The online part is important but ultimately it’s the human to human relationship that makes all the difference #tchatHolly Chessman
A3 the peers of old were too limited/ing. Add the online dimension & a world of opportunity opens to one who cultivates presence #tchatBrian Rensing
A3. I think we have the beginnings of a broad peer-vetting field but there’s room for a universal currency of trust. P2P Yelp! #TchatAndrew Marshall
A3. Think about our #tchat community of peers. Haven’t we all learned so much from one another? #tchatTerri Klass
A3: Don’t we keep each other honest? Hey, I saw that… #TChatKevin W. Grossman
A3. We’re having a lot of fun! Social business is essential for ROI on attention, time, energy. #tchatMichael Clark
A3: I’m still trying to figure out what an online peer-vetted playing field is. Reality gamification? #tchatHeather Bussing
A3. I think it depends on your confidence level HUGELY #TchatLisa Larter
A3: How do we know online personas are authentic? In face 2 face meetings, you can’t take time 2 construct the “perfect” response. #TChatKavita C.
A3. Networking outside of your organization can help ensure you don’t get yourself stuck with stale ideas #tchatKimPope
A3 Impressions are formed fast on #SoMe #tchatAlli Polin
A3: Problem is, I’ve not seen this actually happen in the real world. #tchatRob McGahen
A3: Call me old-fashioned but I still love real-life high-fives, handshakes, and HR-approved hugs. #TchatLara Zuehlke
A3: Don’t believe everything you read – back up it with gut feel and real references #tchatJen Olney
A3: If a tree falls in your forest, and nobody cares… #TChatKevin W. Grossman
a3 It’s like real-time back-door references on #SoMe #tchatAlli Polin
A3 But when u Google yourself, ur only seeing what Google thinks u want to see. Indv filters break the self awareness clarity. #tchatStephen Abbott
Currently at @panerabread during #TChat http://pic.twitter.com/0j8OFxsPqyMary Beth Huffman
Q4: Should we film our daily body of work? What other technologies should we use to empower our personal and corporate brands? #TChatRayanne
A4) Playing sports taught me, “the eye in the sky, doesn’t lie” It gives you opportunities to correct ur flaws. Would be interesting #TChatVinnie Levine
A4. I wish there were documented videos and realistic views of jobs when I was choosing a degree/career path in college #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A4 If used correctly, video can definitely help convey a brand quickly and beautifully–in a short amount of time too. #TChatSendgine
A4: We’re all using social media to empower our brands, aren’t we? #tchatVizwerxGroup
A4 Film, if you must, with a few softening filters…reality can be too ugly sometimes. #TChatEnzo Guardino
A4: We should think like new world marketers and use all mediums to brand and promote ourselves. Every one consumes differently. #TChatKevin W. Grossman
#Tchat A4 Filming daily wouldn’t make sense for many firms but video chats will likely grow as older workers become less & less influential.ALEX BOTTOM
A4. Sharing without intent is personalized SPAM. If you are recording your life be mindful of why and for whom. #TchatAndrew Marshall
A4: We are not far off. Google glasses here we come. HR / Privacy Nightmare #TChatSean Charles
A4: I am all about knowledge sharing BUT there are limits – there has to be. #TchatDamon Lovett
A4: If I filmed my daily activities it would be me playing on Facebook, eating Bon-Bon’s in my Pajamas > (according to my husband) #TChatSusan Avello
A4: Plus wouldn’t there be huge implications legally? #TchatLara Zuehlke
A4: No matter what the subject, every story has to be crafted. Nothing worth learning from is just “unscripted” if its filmed. #TchatJoel Peterson
A4: Filming an engineer working probably wouldn’t be something most would like watching. Type Type, coffee, type type. #TChatJanis Stacy
A4: Not everything needs to be shared. Pick your spots and create content that is worthy of the brand #tchatJen Olney
A4. Just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you should. #TchatPatty Swisher
A4: A powerful brand can stand out even without technology. MLK did not need twitter ! #tchattanvi gautam
A4 Hmmm. In my practice everyone would have to sign a waiver. 🙂 #TChatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A4: For #SoMe projects it would be awesome to view & record screens of my team to coach & reward #TChatSean Charles
A4. We keep moving forward, not resisting but embracing tech, (almost) anything’s possible. #tchatMichael Clark
#tchat mug shot http://pic.twitter.com/MfbPTSKjWNJobscience
Q5: What should business leaders do to better improve the recruiting process and the candidate experience? #TChatRayanne
A5: Keep it simple and put yourself in the position of candidate – would you want to work with your organization? #tchatJen Olney
A5. Know exactly what they are hiring for rather than just who they like. #tchatJohn Baldino
A5: Realize: talent isn’t free. There’s an initial #investment to hire & ongoing investment to retain. A good employee = hard 2 find. #tchatEvelyn Eury
A5 Do good work, provide excellent service, and care about how you do it. #tchatHeather Bussing
A5. Respond to each applicant if even with only a form email letting them know there candidacy is over and someone else got the job #TchatGuy Davis
A5: Don’t force yourself to be someone you’re not. This rule also applies to social media and candidate experience #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A5: Don’t assume that if you build it they will come. Those days are gone. #tchattanvi gautam
A5 #tchat Have a complete understanding of the transferable skill set needed for the position.Michael Chopp, PHR
A5: Get creative. Ask your teams,: “given what U know about our culture now, would you accept a job w/us if U were a new candidate? #TchatJoel Peterson
A5: In all seriousness, tell me HOW to apply to their company. Then treat me with respect as a human being. #TChatJanis Stacy
A5 manage expectations how and when you will respond to job applicants #TchatPeter Clayton
a5 The recruiting process should use the ATS as a tool, not as ‘the answer’ Still need to pick up the phone & connect #tchatAlli Polin
A5. Consciousness reveals purpose, purpose sparks passion, passion pushes choice, choice creates consciousness… #tchatMichael Clark
A5 It’s all about value value value. #jobseekers and #employers need to outline how they mutually add value #tchatGoldbeck Recruiting
A5. The recruiter’s purpose is not to stump the candidate. #tchatTerri Klass
A5) prob unrealistic given legal climate, but would be great to get honest feedback – why wasn’t I hired or interviewed? #tchatRich Grant
A5. If you always do what you’ve always done you will always get what you’ve always got. Want different? Be/Act different. #TchatAndrew Marshall
A5: #Job applicants need to understand that #hiring isn’t personal. So easy to think it is. Keep branding yourself & strengths. #TchatLara Zuehlke
A5 Improvements come from honest engagement in recruiting process. Better experience when leaders’ training cultivates better EQ #TchatSejual
A5) it would save time for both empl. and job applicants if employers provided a salary range #tchatRich Grant
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