We’ve made the business case for the unemployed and helped to further humanize brands. The growing space in between elevates employee and employer to better see into each other’s yard. The Internet’s collaborative inter-connectivity empowers us all to own our online presence, our personal branding , our development, our successes, and our painful failures. And own them we must. This goes for professionals and the enterprise.
This new level of social transparency presents a peer-vetted playing field unprecedented in the world of work. We continue to learn from one another, mentor one another, give it to each other straight whether we live in the same town our across the globe — especially about professonal development and career decisions. Inject a little branded entertainment and you’ve potentially got something crazy good on your hands.
Or more precisely, something crazy good on your computer screen. Queue the wildly popular recruiting show called “Top Recruiter, The Competition Miami ” reality show. Creator and executive producer Chris LaVoie brought together savvy recruiter pros and pitted them against one another with a variety of talent acquisition tasks, all in the name of helping professionals find promising employment. Mix in HR and recruiting thought-leader judges along with some melodramatic moments, and you’ve got a hit with season 1. (He’s working on season 2 now.)
Listen to the #TChat Radio show
This week on TalentCulture’s #TChat Radio and Twitter #TChat, we’re going to discuss the good and the bad of putting such an important topic under the hyper-reality TV camera lens.
This week’s theme is world of work transparency and branded entertainment. Following are our very special guests:
Chris LaVoie (@TopRecruiterTV ) — creator, executive producer and founder of “Top Recruiter, The Competition Miami ” reality show, Chris enjoys creating and producing media that creates a fan base buzz in the digital marketing space for human resources and talent acquisition. He has a deep expertise in producing, advertising, marketing, branding, sourcing and social media, and he applies his channel knowledge in attracting the industry. Chris is the founder, as well, of LaVoie Entertainment and iccimedia .
Rayanne Thorn (@Ray_anne ) — vice president of communications and branding for Evenbase US, Rayanne is one of the judges from season 1 of “Top Recruiter.”
And here are this week’s questions:
Q1 : The level of transparency for job candidates, employees and employers is higher than ever. Good or bad? Why or why not?
Q2 : Does the world of work need a reality-based TV show? Why or why not?
Q3 : Do we really live in an online peer-vetted playing field? Why or why not?
Q4 : Should we film our daily body of work? What other technologies should we use to empower our personal and corporate brands?
Q5 : What should business leaders do to better improve the recruiting process and the candidate experience?
So please tune in. #TChat Radio is Tuesday Feb. 26 at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT, when yours truly (@MeghanMBiro ) and Kevin W. Grossman (@KevinWGrossman ) will chat it up with Chris. Then, it’s on to the Twitter stream for our weekly #TChat Twitter conversation Wednesday, Feb. 27, from 7-8 pm ET, when Rayanne will guest moderate. We look forward to your tweets. Join us!
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