Everybody's Story Matters: #TChat Recap
“Everybody’s story matters.” That sentiment is from an amazing interactive storybook we’ve been watching with my older daughter on the iPad. It’s called The Fantastic
“Everybody’s story matters.” That sentiment is from an amazing interactive storybook we’ve been watching with my older daughter on the iPad. It’s called The Fantastic
Your brand is how your company tastes inside and out. This includes your your employment brand and B2B and/or B2C corporate brand. Used to be
“Gadgets be gone.” Ah, no truer words have ever been spoken. That was one of my lighter “tweetable” sentiments from yesterday’s HRO Today Forum analyst
What’s behind most workplace conflict? Are generational issues the primary driver? How can workgroups and businesses as a whole find more constructive ways to work across all ages? #TChat participants voiced their opinions…
Remember in the 1970’s when the tech world was still in its infancy and engineers and developers walked in off the streets without college degrees?
#TChat predictions for the year ahead in talent management…
#TChat Recap: Assessments as an employee acquisition and retention tool. Are we using them broadly, and for what purposes? A pre-Thanksgiving feast of opinions and ideas…
Emotional intelligence. How does it factor into today’s world of work? Here’s what the TalentCulture community had to say in the very first #TChat Twitter chat session…