“Everybody’s story matters.”
That sentiment is from an amazing interactive storybook we’ve been watching with my older daughter on the iPad. It’s called The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore and it’s all about the importance and power of reading books and stories.
Everybody’s story, including yours and yours and yours.
As I wrote Monday, when TalentCulture founder Meghan M. Biro and I launched #TChat last November, we had no idea it would take off like it did. It’s been an amazing journey and we are more inspired more than ever to keep the conversation moving forward.
To now keep the stories moving forward and to actually elevate 140 character Twitter texts into the spoken word every now and again. And the fact is, stories were told aloud for thousands of years before they were Tweeted and read.
We launched #TChat Radio last night and you can listen to the replay if you missed it. A special thank you to all our guests and to everyone who dialed in and listened as well as participating on the #TChat Twitter channel.
We’ve nurtured a fantastic online community of professionals and enthusiasts that we hope to continue to deliver value and grow relationships with our World of Work audience. This eclectic group of fabulous talent is comprised of leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, HR, career pros, recruiters, business consultants, marketers, public relations and social media enthusiasts, bloggers, job seekers, and a variety of eclectic innovative passersby.
The stories we share are all about re-imagining how we lead, acquire, empower and retain our workforce today, with emotional connectivity and global cultural inclusivity. It’s about the intersection of Talent + Culture, the wickedly wonderful World of Work.
Businesses will come and go. Jobs will come and go. The economy will ebb and flow.
But everybody’s story matters. Thank you for yours.
Look for our next #TChat Radio show on Tuesday, August 30. We’ll be back next week with our usual #TChat Twitter Chat.
The #TChat Twitter Chat and #TChat Radio are created and hosted by @MeghanMBiro and @KevinWGrossman, and powered by our partners @Monster_WORKS, @MonsterCareers, @HRmarketer, and @Focus.
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