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Tag: #WorkTrends

Channeling Crowd-Sourced Mindshare: #TChat Recap

Social learning is everywhere around us – in short, bursty ideas that simultaneously draw us in and distract us from whatever we were intending to accomplish. It also brings us together across the digital divide. It’s time to embrace quality peer-to-peer exchange and shared insights…

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HR Leadership Can Make All the Difference: #TChat Recap

Business is messy – and it’s only getting messier. So perhaps that’s where HR can truly make a difference today – to know the business, staff the business, teach the business and grow the business – all predicated on managing the messy yet mingled bad with the good. We can lead the way in helping business learn from its mistakes…

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Becoming (Social) HR Leaders: #TChat Preview

Human Resources…what does it mean to most people in today’s workplace? HR is usually seen less a curators of workplace culture and more as the police brought in to direct traffic or quell a riot. So how do we change it up? What can we do to add value?

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Give Me a Break! #TChat Preview

Today’s work world is a tale of two job markets: It’s the best of times and the worst of times. While the “have nots” are merely hoping for a stable income (without any benefits), the “haves” are living large. That’s the focus of this week’s Extreme Perks, #TChat Edition…

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The Job Haves & Have Nots: #TChat Preview

Because we don’t blink here at TalentCulture, this seems like a good time to talk about the elephant in the room: job haves and have nots. But we are talent strategy professionals. It’s our job to think and talk about these things. So together, perhaps we can generate some solutions…

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Job Candidate Experience: First Contact: #TChat Preview

It’s an understatement to say that first contact with a recruiter can be stressful. Like a “close encounter” with a space alien – job applicants never really quite know what to expect. The ramifications can be profound – even if those consequences are unintended. So what can we, as talent-minded professionals, do to improve that first impression? How can we lead the way to better outcomes?

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