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Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/
Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/

A Microbiome of HR technology We Are

The microbiome discussion had me riveted. One of multiple 10-minute presentations at the TED@IBM event really inspired me, learning about how microbes interact in symbiotic communities. The research shared by Dr. Robert Prill, a computational biologist at the IBM Almaden Research Center who gave this TED talk, specifically talked about microbes and food and how they can tell us if something is good for us or bad for us. This could have profound implications on keeping food production safe worldwide. At the break, an analyst friend told me about a few HR technology projects he was advising on. Same solution provider

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#TChat Preview: Live from the 2015 #HRTechConf: Why Recruitment Should Be Transparent Marketing

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live from this year’s HR Technology Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas on Wednesday, October 21st, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about the three steps to selecting the right HR technology, and this week we’re going to talk about why recruitment should be transparent marketing with Susan Vitale, Chief Marketing Officer at iCIMS; Lori Sylvia, Chief Marketing Officer at SmashFly; and Michele Ellner, Director of Marketing at Montage. Attracting candidates and retaining current employees is a lot like attracting and retaining customers. But, today’s hiring economy is highly complex and

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Why Winners Invest in the Internal Candidate Experience Today

For the longest time it’s always been about recruiting from the outside in. As if companies had never hired for many of their jobs before. As if the only way to fill them was to post the jobs and pray for new magical applicants they’d never identified previously, and hopefully some of those had just enough of a magical edge to get the final interviews and then get hired. Of course, the reality is that most of those applicants aren’t magical and aren’t qualified 75-95 percent of the time. And out of those hired, we hope that they’ll stick and stay

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#TChat Preview: Three Steps to Selecting the Right HR Technology

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about why sourcing referrals can improve retention and this week we’re going to discuss the three steps to selecting the right HR technology with this week’s guest: Mary Delaney, President, Recruitment Software Solutions at CareerBuilder. Selecting the right HR technology can be a daunting task, whether it’s a new solution or a replacement system. So many things have to be considered in this complex ecosystem relationship — cloud computing, best of breed and integrated HR and talent acquisition and management

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Go Long with Your Candidate Experience, Kids

“Moving without motion Screaming without sound Across an open ocean Flying there on temporary ground…” —Jack White, Temporary Ground   We huddled together while Brad barked out our last names and the next play. “Grossman, you do a five-yard buttonhook. I’m hitting you, so be ready. Smith, you block, and if I have to dump to you, I will. And Day,” he paused stood up to look over at the other team, and then bent down again in the huddle. “Day, go long. All right, let’s go.” My friend Robby dropped his head and shook it. Go long was code for

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Why I Have a Sweet Tooth for a Better Candidate Experience

“Who can take a sunrise Sprinkle it in dew Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?”  —Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, The Candy Man Unfortunately, I can still taste his sour words. We’d been talking recruiting shop, him a talent acquisition director at a large technology company and me an HR industry analyst, when I asked him what role his team had in retention. “None,” he answered. He went on to explain to me that his team managed hundreds of requisitions and with the volume of unqualified applicants they received, he stayed focused on putting smart butts in the

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#TChat Preview: Workplace Trends Through The Eyes Of Millennials

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, September 23, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about importance of the candidate experience and this week we’re going to discuss workplace trends through the eyes of Millennials with this Frank Moreno, Vice President of Product Marketing at PeopleFluent, the leading total workforce HCM technology company. The younger generation today with their mobile devices and instant communication and need for continuous feedback and the job hopping — the fact is, there are a lot of misconceptions about how the Digital Generation works, and what motivates them to stay engaged and

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Where Compliance Matters the Most

Let’s keep it clear from the get-go – I’m not a lawyer, I’m only a layman. A layman who’s been filling out these forms for myself for decades. A layman who’s also hired new employees and have had them fill out these very same forms. When I had new employees fill one of these Form I-9’s, they couldn’t start employment until they completed it and signed it and provided one of six pieces of identification that establish both identity and employment authorization including a U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card. And if they didn’t have one of those, then they had

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#TChat Preview: Candidate Experience Through The Eyes Of The Job Seeker

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, September 16, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about why compliance is a complex HR necessity and this week we’re going to discuss the candidate experience through the eyes of the job seeker with Joe Essenfeld, Founder and CEO of Jibe; and Ivan Casanova, SVP of Marketing and Product at Jibe. The process of looking for a new job is very personal. It often starts with a moment—the realization it’s time to move on, a supervisor pushing someone’s buttons, a life-changing event. At that time, the first instinct of today’s

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How Simulating Work Loyalty Could Help Drive the Winning Output

“The No. 1 thing we want to do is create competition, create opportunities for guys to show what they’re capable of.” —Jack Del Rio, Head Coach of the Oakland Raiders Only one starter started for the Oakland Raiders in the last preseason game against the Seattle Seahawks. This isn’t unusual in preseason since the point is to tryout your rookies, your trades and your returning players to find your team depth, who will eventually start during the season and what will the final league mandated 53-person team roster look like. I’m a Raider fan to the last. That said, I’m also

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#TChat Preview: Why Compliance Is A Complex HR Necessity

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about the upcoming HR Technology Conference and Exposition, and this week we’re going to talk about why compliance is a complex HR necessity. Most companies want and need to scale over time to be successful. They need to sustain that growth and they’ll need the right talent to do it. That means the ideal goal for HR in any organization is building the best performing teams and finding the greatest talent. But that doesn’t come easy – HR

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Imagine Employer Branded Emotional Workplace Raincoats

“C’mon you little fighter No need to get uptighter C’mon you little fighter And get back up again…” —Supertramp, It’s Raining Again Facebook messenger popped up: Did you hear the news? The person messaging me was a new co-worker. I just stared at the words, a sick feeling of knowing something I didn’t want to know roiled in my stomach. The blinking cursor taunted me. I wrote back: What news? The cursor blinked a steady robotic wink. That your boss was fired today. Two weeks on the new job, alone at a conference 3,000 miles away from home, and no where

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#TChat Preview: The Hot HR Technology Trends of 2015

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, September 2, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about the how to recognize and stop workplace bullying and harassment, and this week we’re going to talk about the hot HR technology trends of 2015 and the upcoming HR Technology Conference and Exposition. It’s that time again to cover the trends and current innovation in HR Technology, why they’re important, how HR and technology intersect inside modern organizations today and tomorrow. Cloud computing, HR data management, talent analytics and best of breed and integrated HR and talent acquisition

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Rise Above the Waiting For Godot Workplace Standard

“Hold your fire — Keep it burning bright Hold the flame ’til the dream ignites — A spirit with a vision Is a dream with a mission…” —Neil Peart, Mission It’s like every company meeting you’ve ever been in is a contemporary retelling of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. Repetitive 20th century tragicomedies in continuous incremental acts. Painfully existential 30 to 60 to 90+ minutes blocks of time that makes you question why you’re there, along with the why of humanity and your very own soul. You gather in conference rooms in pairs or teams, young and old, from diverse backgrounds

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#TChat Preview: How to Recognize and Stop Workplace Bullying and Harassment

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, August 26, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about why multi-generational leadership activism is in, and this week we’re going to talk about how to recognize and stop workplace bullying and harassment. You may have read the Amazon news recently about their toxic workplace culture. While not new news, the unfortunate fact is there are too many other “bullying” and undermining cultures in business today. Like pollution, workplace bullying and harassment does not usually kill you right away, but an enormous amount of misery is caused

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For Those Who Just Need Or Want A New Job

“All we have to do now Is take these lies and make them true somehow All we have to see Is that I don’t belong to you And you don’t belong to me…” —George Michael, Freedom We just had a nice long weekend in Lake Tahoe. On one of the days our family hiked above the big lake and Emerald Bay and I imagined the California-Nevada state line cutting its way across the lake. On the Nevada side there’s legal gambling pretty much everywhere, and on the California side there’s legal gambling in very specific locations and with specific restrictions. It

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Those Employees With Financial Wellbeing Keep The Workplace Pumping

“Big money got a heavy hand Big money take control Big money got a mean streak Big money got no soul…” —Rush, Big Money Throughout commencement on that warm May morning over two decades ago I thought, I did it. Not the traditional seamless timeline of 4ish years, but I did it nonetheless. The first one in my immediate family to do it in fact. I did it and received a Bachelors of Arts degree in psychology with a minor in anthropology from San Jose State University. I financed most of it myself, working full-time at SJSU during the latter half

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That’s Recruiting Legitimacy With Perpetual Balance

“Apollo was astonished Dionysus thought me mad But they heard my story further And they wondered, and were sad Looking down from Olympus On a world of doubt and fear Its surface splintered Into sorry Hemispheres…” —Rush, Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres It’s like getting hit on via an online dating site, professionally speaking, of course. A recruiter digs your LinkedIn profile, he sends you a LinkedIn InMail, which is followed by LinkedIn connection request. Kevin, I have an exciting opportunity with a new technology provider. I think you’re possibly a good fit, so let me know a good time to

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Simply Knock Three Times For Positive Workforce Impact

“Oh, my darling, knock three times On the ceiling if you want me Twice on the pipe If the answer is no…” —Tony Orlando & Dawn It started with an e-mail. The latest OnStar diagnostic report from our Saturn VUE chock full of data analysis on nearly every single facet of the car: engine and transmission system, air bag system, antilock braking system and more. We had green checkmarks across the board except for one: emissions system. Argh. Yes, the engine light was on. “How long has the engine light been on?” I asked my wife who usually drives the VUE.

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The Evidence Of The Whole Makes The Employer Brand

“You can twist perceptions Reality won’t budge You can raise objections I will be the judge And the jury…” —Neil Peart (Rush, “Show Don’t Tell”)   He held his right hand out toward prosecutor, defense attorney and the defendant first. “They are evidence.” Then he put his hand on his chest. “I represent the law.” And then he held his hand out toward the jury box where 18 prospective jurors sat. “And you ultimately will be the verdict.” The judge articulated the jury selection process clearly and methodically. For me, it was the first time I had gone through one where

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#TChat Preview: How HR Drives Positive Workforce Impact With The Right Data Insights

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week we talked about how to build and market your employer brand, and this week we’re going to talk about how HR drives positive workforce impact with the right data insights. Carpe Diem HR! Time to seize the business day! HR has more momentum and presence in driving technology decisions than we have seen in years past. So how do we seize the day and innovation to make it impactful to our organizations and workplace? First HR has to understand the

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And That’s Why The Guys (And Gals) That Work Make Cultures That Rock

“Now that ain’t workin’ that’s the way you do it Lemme tell ya them guys ain’t dumb Maybe get a blister on your little finger Maybe get a blister on your thumb…” —Dire Straits, “Money for Nothing” For nearly 40 years we’ve been the guys that work. Childhood friends who in adulthood continue making an annual trek to “hangout.” Men of a certain age who continue to invest in a friendship that’s seen many ups and downs, ins and outs, and others who have come and gone over the years. Men who have had varying careers, varying relationships, some with children

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#SHRM15: The Marcus Buckingham Interview

We sat around a plain round table in a non-descript room marked N215 in the Las Vegas Convention Center during the second day of the SHRM 2015 Annual Conference & Exposition. We sat next to each other while three other team members listened in and caught up on work. About 20 minutes in, he used the word “doolally.” “No one goes, ‘Oh that’s a crazy piece of HR doolally.’ Everyone goes, ‘Yeah, that.’ That’s real world.” “What’s a doolally?” I asked. “I have no idea,” he said. He smiled and shrugged. “I like that. There you go.” “Rubbish, I guess,” he

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#TChat Preview: How To Create A Culture That Rocks

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, July 8th, 2015, at 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Last week, live from #SHRM15, we discussed the brilliant HR profession of today and tomorrow. This week we’re going to talk about how to create a company culture that rocks. Because for those company cultures about to rock, we’ll not only salute you, we’ll work for you and evangelize for you. Of course that’s a reference to a classic rock song, but it’s a mantra that continues to ring true when it comes to workplace culture today. Great “bands” and brands focus on culture first

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Opportunity Cost Be Damned

Two middle-aged men walk into an elevator. The taller and heavier of the two points to the other’s t-shirt. It’s an Saturday Night Live t-shirt with a silkscreen silhouette of Will Ferrell in the “More Cowbell” sketch. “Very nice,” he says. “Classic.” The other guy, the one with a mostly white goatee beard wearing the Rush baseball cap, gives him a thumbs up. “I know. One of the best.” “Yes, it’s my favorite.” “Where did you get it?” “At the SNL store at 30 Rockefeller Center. I’m on vacation with my family.” “Excellent. That’s a great buy. Can never have enough

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