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Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/
Picture of Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin W. Grossman is the Talent Board president and board member responsible for all aspects of the Candidate Experience Awards worldwide, the first nonprofit research organization focused on the elevation and promotion of a quality candidate experience. He’s also the chief evangelist at TalentCulture, a leading media outlet for content about HR technology, talent acquisition and HR’s role in the future of work. He co-hosts the #WorkTrends podcast with TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, where he’s collaborated with Meghan since 2010. He also produces and hosts the Talent Board podcast The CandEs Shop Talk. A certified Talent Acquisition Strategist (TAS) and Human Capital Strategist (HCS) by HCI, Kevin has 20 years of domain expertise in the human resource and talent acquisition industry and related technology marketplace. He’s been a prolific "HR business" blogger and writer since 2004 and his first business book on career management titled Tech Job Hunt Handbook was released in December 2012 from Apress. Kevin holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Jose State University. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinWGrossman LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwgrossman/

Best-of-All-Ages Workplace #TChat Recap

What can industry conferences teach us about how to overcome generational stereotypes in the workplace? The Recruiting Trends Social Summit reminded me this week that the TalentCulture community mantra is more than mere words. Together we ARE better…

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Channeling Crowd-Sourced Mindshare: #TChat Recap

Social learning is everywhere around us – in short, bursty ideas that simultaneously draw us in and distract us from whatever we were intending to accomplish. It also brings us together across the digital divide. It’s time to embrace quality peer-to-peer exchange and shared insights…

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Onboarding: It Feels So Good to Make the Bad Better: #TChat Recap

If it wasn’t for those pesky, messy, meddling humans, the world of work would actually work flawlessly. We’d work together happily and collaboratively, without deceit, harassment or discrimination. We’d all be accountable and personally responsible and have each other’s backs, we’d have reciprocal respect with our leaders, and reality TV would not be a reality. We can dream, can’t we? Consider this: More than 40 companies paid out more than $60 million in settlements or unfavorable court judgments after the EEOC brought systemic discrimination cases in 2011. But there are those who say this kind of law enforcement hampers business growth with burdensome

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HR Leadership Can Make All the Difference: #TChat Recap

Business is messy – and it’s only getting messier. So perhaps that’s where HR can truly make a difference today – to know the business, staff the business, teach the business and grow the business – all predicated on managing the messy yet mingled bad with the good. We can lead the way in helping business learn from its mistakes…

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So Much for the Job Have Nots: #TChat Recap

“All I know is that sometimes you have to be wary Of a miracle too good to be true All I know is that sometimes the truth is contrary Everything in life you thought you knew…” –Neil Peart They sat in the front pews listening to our advice. The air conditioning didn’t work, so fans swirled warm air from back and forth between the open doors and windows, like restless dreams of the unknown. They listened with guarded optimism, looking tired, a little lost. We talked about résumé best practices and where to look for jobs and how to optimize and leverage

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Bring on the Global Fireworks: #TChat Recap

The world may be tired, but it’s time to get fired. Up that is. And we did this week, but just when we’re riding high on inspiration, collaboration and revelation, then comes the post-SHRM dip. The point when after the mega-HR conference, the one put on by the largest HR association on the planet, the Society for Human Resource Management, when all you want to do is relax, stay out of the summer heat for the next two months, and not think or do or be. But if we at least think a little bit more, for those who went to SHRM

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Why We Are All Generation Now: #TChat Recap

We treated them non-generationally and talked with them straight. At one point, the three of us all concurred that being passionate about what you do is one of the most important tenets of the world of work, ever. Then, I added that today we’re not only loyal and committed to the work that moves and schools us, but also to the people who are part of that committed work — because that’s the work that moves us to do greater things for the world. That’s the work that makes it easier for startups to start up and for established companies to grow — creating new

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Whether the Why Not of Social HR Leadership: #TChat Recap

We’d thought we’d cause a rift in the space time continuum. Fortunately we didn’t. That’s because the amazing SocialHRCamp attendees in Vancouver BC and the fantastical #TChat contributors collaborated together during the #TChat hour on the topic of Social HR: Engage the Humans for Social HR Leadership. No rifts, but we most certainly did riff and make sweet rock and roll insight together. The folks who gathered on site of our generous hosts Talent Technology were made up of progressive HR and recruiting professionals ready to learn, share and take the lead in all things social and the world of work. Many still

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