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Picture of Sheza Gary

Sheza Gary

Sheza Gary has been a Project Strategist since 2009 and also involved in the launching of startups and tech companies in New York for over 5 years. She has keen interest in writing her own experiences about business plans and upcoming business supporting technologies. She loves public speaking.
Picture of Sheza Gary

Sheza Gary

Sheza Gary has been a Project Strategist since 2009 and also involved in the launching of startups and tech companies in New York for over 5 years. She has keen interest in writing her own experiences about business plans and upcoming business supporting technologies. She loves public speaking.
employee personal brand

3 Reasons It Pays to Invest in Your Employees’ Personal Brands

Your employees are the core of your brand, but you wouldn’t know it looking at most companies’ websites and social media profiles. Instead, many companies only feature high-level leadership, keeping the majority of their team behind the scenes. Newsletters are often formal “notes from the CEO.” But that’s not what customers want, what your employees want — or what’s best for your business. Customers want relationships, stories and authenticity, and your employees are the best people in your company to deliver that. To start using your team better within your business’s brand, help them build their own: Invest in your employees’

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How to Make Your Business Appear More Human to Your Audience on Social Media

How to Make Your Business Appear More Human to Your Audience on Social Media

When it comes to social media, many businesses shoot themselves in the foot because of their poor efforts when interacting with their audiences. It seems that today, businesses would rather take advantage of plugins and tools to try and automate their brand on social media rather than show their audience who they truly are. What happens when this happens? They end up regretting it when their audience stops interacting with them. Social media plays a vital role in the successful running of businesses these days, so it’s crucial you make your business appear as human as possible. To achieve that, consider

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How to Recruit Like the World’s Best Companies

How to Recruit Like the World’s Best Companies

The world’s best companies are mission-driven, and they make more money than their competitors. Mission-driven companies have 30% more innovation and 40% higher levels of employee retention These companies know that to achieve their mission, they need the kind of staff that will get them there; the kind of people who are highly engaged. But in 2015, this was only true for 32% of employees. What determines high engagement levels, is corporate culture. It’s safe to assume that not many companies are paying too much attention to culture, but the ones that are, boast higher revenue. What Does Employee Engagement Mean

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How Job Management Software Helps Create a Culture of Workplace Efficiency and Productivity

How Job Management Software Helps Create a Culture of Workplace Efficiency and Productivity

There’s no question that using a job management software creates benefits, but what specific benefits does it bring when it comes to workplace efficiency and productivity? How does it create a positive culture that benefit a business? Sticking to Deadlines What’s great about using job management or scheduling software is it creates a sense of urgency for everyone to start and finish tasks as they are scheduled. Since these schedules are in the software, nobody gets to think that they can haggle for an extension. It’s perceptively better as compared to verbal orders or agreements on deadlines. Everybody is expected to

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Why Do Entrepreneurs Fail? Why It Could Happen to You

Why Do Entrepreneurs Fail? Why It Could Happen to You

A good idea goes a long way in making any business a success, but it’s not the only thing that’s needed to ensure it doesn’t fail. Many entrepreneurs start businesses in the hope they are going to be the next Facebook or Google, but eventually reality hits and they realize they need more than just a clever idea to push a business forward. It’s obvious a unique idea is going to give any entrepreneur the best chance to succeed, but there are many other reasons why promising ideas don’t always get the exposure they deserve. Some Entrepreneurs Show Too Much Desire

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Social Media in recruiting

Tai Lopez on Social Media’s Role in Talent Recruitment

In a recent article published on the Entrepreneur website, Tai Lopez, who is himself an entrepreneur extraordinaire, spoke of his love affair with social media. His history with this platform goes back to the very early days when social media wasn’t even a recognized term and Facebook was still in its humble beginnings. The year was 2001 and from that moment on, Tai became involved in a love affair that would still be very much alive almost two decades later. As an entrepreneur with a huge staff working with him at his 67 Steps program, Tai Lopez understands just how easy

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Employee Turnover

Best Techniques To Reduce Employee Turnover In 2017

High employee turnover is generally considered bad for any organization. This can lead to low- quality performance and unmet goals in the workplace. As there is no certainty that all company roles will be filled daily, businesses are compelled to hire and train new employees constantly. A common downside of employee turnover is high costs. It’s more costly to lose workers and hire new ones than retain older employees, according to Chron.com. If your brand has been experiencing high turnover for the past few years, now is the best time to explore smart retention strategies. How do you keep your workers

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3 Ways to Create a Cyber Security Culture in Your Workplace

Today’s workplace is more concerned with online attacks than before. As hackers launch cyber-terrorist attacks against businesses of all sizes, everyone from the customer to the CEO is concerned for the safety of their information. Some of these hackers don’t do anything but break into the system and vandalize webpages and cause other types of chaos, but many are looking for credit cards and other information they can use to make money. Both types of attacks damage your reputation and can result in hours of additional work for your team. The solution isn’t just to create stronger security for your network.

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6 Productivity Killers and How to Get Rid of Them

Do you ever feel like your life at work is spinning out of control? Like you cannot seem to get ahead of the game. You spend countless hours working tirelessly, sun up to sun down, and yet still you cannot seem to catch up? The work continues to pile up on your desk until you reach the end of the week – by which point the mountainous stack of stuff you are behind on is a guaranteed show stopper for your weekend. You can forget about having a good time. Relaxing? Ha, yeah right. Instead, you will spend your nights wide

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Golden Rules to Manage and Keep Remote Teams Productive

More and more employees are working remotely these days. In fact, experts are expecting more than half of all employees will be working from home on a regular basis by 2022. That will present a significant shift in how employers manage their teams and keep employees productive. Working from home can be full of distractions for some people, and even those who are able to stay on task for eight hours a day may find it hard to say no to turning on the TV or taking a two-hour lunch. Fortunately, there are a few different golden rules employers can make

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5 Ways to Facilitate Behavioral Changes Among Employees

As a manager, you must be able to facilitate behavioral changes when you notice behaviors among your employees of which you are not particularly fond. When you see these behaviors pop up, you can choose to do nothing, which can jeopardize morale, harm productivity, and potentially cause you to lose clients, or you can work to facilitate behavioral change. Obviously, helping your employee to amend the negative behavior is the better option, especially if the employee is otherwise a valuable part of your team. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to facilitate behavioral changes with your employees to

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Cater To Your Business Process Needs with Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 is an important program for small businesses, as this program features a series of web-enabled tools that will allow you to access contacts, important documents, and email from any device and almost anywhere in the world. This program is designed to meet the needs of diverse small businesses, allowing you to customize which tools you’ll use. Find out how the numerous benefits of Office 365 can help you to cater your business process needs. Access Anytime, Anywhere Office 365 will provide your business with web-enabled access to your important documents, email, contacts, and calendar via any device. This

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How to ensure that your online conference calls are successful

Hosting a successful meeting takes a certain amount of skill. You need to be sure that you have the attention of all the attendees, and that something productive result from the meeting. Otherwise, what was it for in the first place? Ensuring that you had the attention of those in attendance wasn’t fairly difficult to do in face to face meetings—you could easily see if someone’s interest was waning and take steps to reel them back in. However, phone conferences are a completely different story—you never know what the person or people on the other end of the conversation are doing,

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Top Work Benefits From Business Phone System Innovation

As the world changes and becomes more connected, more digital, and more mobile, the working world must adapt in order to keep up with the changing times. The need for innovation and advancement is even more essential in 2015, and business phone systems are no exception. Remote And Distance Workers More and more employees today are giving up the office and opting for a more mobile approach to work. Whether they work as freelancers or employees who work remotely from home, many employers are finding this to be the new trend in employee hiring and work hours. Integrating these new and unique off-site

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