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Tag: Leadership

Risk, Reward & The Social Workplace: #TChat Recap

Businesses are calculating the risks and rewards of social media involvement as never before. But these days, when deciding how social media fits into the workplace, leaders would be wise to watch and listen for signals from employees. The noise is deafening…

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A Lifetime of Social Learning Culture: #TChat Preview

Long before the digital age arrived, with its unrelenting firehose of disruptive technologies, the terms “social”, “learning” and “business” made sense within the same sentence. Today’s workplace just exposes the relationship more than ever. But how can organizations make the most of new-school learning possibilities?

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HR Leadership Can Make All the Difference: #TChat Recap

Business is messy – and it’s only getting messier. So perhaps that’s where HR can truly make a difference today – to know the business, staff the business, teach the business and grow the business – all predicated on managing the messy yet mingled bad with the good. We can lead the way in helping business learn from its mistakes…

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Becoming (Social) HR Leaders: #TChat Preview

Human Resources…what does it mean to most people in today’s workplace? HR is usually seen less a curators of workplace culture and more as the police brought in to direct traffic or quell a riot. So how do we change it up? What can we do to add value?

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Speaking Socially, What Is Influence? #TChat Preview

Just for kicks, I keep a running list of “industry buzzwords” that make me laugh (or groan) because they are often misunderstood on the application level. “Influence,” especially as it relates to the world of #SocialMedia, has long since been on my list. “WHAT IS INFLUENCE?”

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