Does Your Hiring Process Speak For Your Brand? #TChat Preview
It’s increasingly important to think of the hiring process as a reflection of an employer’s brand. Why and how can companies improve this “candidate experience”?
It’s increasingly important to think of the hiring process as a reflection of an employer’s brand. Why and how can companies improve this “candidate experience”?
World-class employers work overtime to create an environment that attracts new talent and keeps existing employees on board. What can the rest of us learn from them? Ask yourself 4 questions…
The skills gap is real. We can’t afford to wait for education or government or business to fix the problem. But there are ways to make a difference, wherever we are…
HR technology is advancing at breakneck pace! Is that all good — or are we at risk of losing something vital in acquiring and developing talent? See wisdom from the TalentCulture crowd…
Why does HR keep asking for a seat at the table? We’re already there. The big question now is: What next? That was the focus this week at SHRMTalent and at #TChat forums…
HR technology innovation is on a roll, and advancements in HR self-service are staggering. But let’s not lose sight of what matters most…
Cloud computing offers a viable model for “just in time” talent – tapping just the right resources, at just the right time, in just the right place. But while it creates opportunities for skilled professionals, will others in the world of work be left behind?
As business looks for new sources of competitive advantage, and the contingent workforce swells, how can we apply best practices from “cloud” computing models to human capital strategy?
Increasingly, career paths involve many steps and diverse experiences. How can individuals and employers leverage this for the better?
This week #TChat has star power! We get real about employee and employer brands with the creator of reality TV show “Top Recruiter”…
#TChat Teaser Video: Take look at how Jamie defines brand humanization, and explains why it’s important for everyone to understand this concept…
Today’s workforce has been rocked with massive changes. Job security is nonexistent, contingent workforce has ballooned, and among remaining employees, engagement has tanked. Does the rise of a free agent nation mean stronger relationships with employers?
Talent management analysts say, “The contingent workforce is now a permanent fixture, so many elements of talent management, recruiting and engagement are being extended to these mobile ‘free agents.'” Really? So how’s it workin for us?
In a time of historic unemployment, with veterans returning from protracted wars, the TalentCulture community takes a hard look at how America can leverage the talents of those who have served our country…
This week in the TalentCulture community, we’re going to examine employee engagement— the lack of it, the skills needed for it, the mindful state required to understand the very notion of it. It’s controversial, but it begs our attention…
What qualities are essential in an effective leader? That’s the topic we’ll explore at this week’s #TChat forum – focusing on a great new business book, “The Character Based Leader” …
Why is lifelong learning so critical to professional success? And how can individuals and businesses harness it more effectively at any age – in an era of social technologies? The TalentCulture community weighs in on #TChat Twitter…
Today’s workforce is multi-generational – but unlike 10 or even 20 years ago, age is not the primary determinant of management status. What does this generational mix mean for workplace culture – and how effective are new development models, such as reverse mentoring?
We live the social business dream here at TalentCulture. But what do these breakthrough technologies really mean for global business performance? Is increased productivity, collaboration and access to better business insight making a measurable impact?
Long before the digital age arrived, with its unrelenting firehose of disruptive technologies, the terms “social”, “learning” and “business” made sense within the same sentence. Today’s workplace just exposes the relationship more than ever. But how can organizations make the most of new-school learning possibilities?
Employer brands and personal brands – is alignment required? Should employers strive to promote a fit? And what is a good balance – for better or worse? We’ll explore these issues and more at #TChat this week…
In today’s increasingly informal work environment, what’s the most appropriate want to bring new hires and contractors into the fold? How can you make a lasting first impression, and support new hires throughout their indoctrination?
It’s no secret that organizational cultures have been hurting in recent years. But how can we expect culture to flourish on diminishing investment in the “human” side of business? And how long can HR wave its magic wand until business leaders reinforce culture at its foundations? #TChat sparked some serious questions…
Is it time for chief culture officers to emerge in the workplace? Is this what it will take to provide a bridge between executive leadership, business culture and an increasingly disaffected workforce? That’s what was on our minds at TalentCulture this week…
Business is messy – and it’s only getting messier. So perhaps that’s where HR can truly make a difference today – to know the business, staff the business, teach the business and grow the business – all predicated on managing the messy yet mingled bad with the good. We can lead the way in helping business learn from its mistakes…