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Tag: #WorkTrends

The Creative Power of Diverse Ideas: #TChat Recap

Innovation isn’t magic. It’s the result of a culture designed to encourage fearless pursuit of fresh ideas – and the willingness to embrace failure as part of the process. It comes from conscious effort to gather input from a diverse and dedicated workforce…

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Connecting Career Dots: #TChat Recap

How can you stay ahead of the curve in today’s job environment? After a week of TalentCulture community discussion, I’m reminded that the key is not how fast or how elegantly your career moves forward – it’s how many others you bring along for the ride.

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Lose Job? Keep Career! #TChat Preview

The official word, that there’s economic uncertainty, is so 2012. We’re all cheerful and happy the economy produced 155,000 jobs last month (not completely, but we’re trying for some enthusiasm here). So have we turned the corner? Let’s talk about it this week at #TChat forums …

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The Post Apocalyptic Workplace: #TChat Recap

What will the world of work look like in the future? The TalentCulture community suggests that collaboration will be essential, as we move forward. That’s worth celebrating as we welcome 2013 in this era of networked communication that crosses organizational and geographical boundaries…

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Work, Life and Peace: #TChat Recap

Staying focused at work is a skill, but being mindful of the choices we make is also a decision. Sometimes, the technology that connects us also frees us to multitask. But how far can we push that without suffering downside consequences?

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The Quaint Notion of Work-Life Balance: #TChat Preview

What if we all slowed down the pace of our work – or focused on just one thing at a time? Would we be more effective or ultimately more efficient? Would organizations see a boost in performance? Maybe it’s time that the TalentCulture community pauses to consider the possibilities…

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Sneak Peek: #TChat Radio Returns!

Please save the dates – let’s celebrate the power of social learning and the NEW world of work! Join the TalentCulture community, as we look back at 2 years of weekly #TChat forums, and look ahead to an exciting new chapter in our evolution…

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Care & Feeding of Social Communities: #TChat Recap

Quid pro quo. It’s a concept as old as civilization. And it’s a dynamic that lives at the core of every successful community — large or small, business or otherwise. This was the premise for a week of #TChat devoted to understanding what makes talent communities work…

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The Sound of a Talent Community: #TChat Preview

I never get tired of talking about social communities and their impact on brands and the recruiting process for the right talent. But what does it mean to “manage” communities – and what is the role of a “community manager” in today’s social business environment?

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Leaders Young & Old: #TChat Preview

Today’s workforce is multi-generational – but unlike 10 or even 20 years ago, age is not the primary determinant of management status. What does this generational mix mean for workplace culture – and how effective are new development models, such as reverse mentoring?

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