Washington, DC. Our nation’s capitol. What better place to discuss the intersection of business leadership, HR and public policy ? It’s the venue for this week’s Society of Human Resource Management Leadership conference (#SHRMLead). And it was the backdrop for yesterday’s dynamic #TChat session, as Illinois SHRM Director, @Donna Rogers , moderated the discussion with polish and panache.
(Speaking of panache, did ya get a peek at #SHRM’s hottest swag? Check the “Ask me about #TChat ” bling that the leadership conference crew is rockin this week, thanks to Donna. We like that style!)
But of course, this week’s session went way beyond the buttons.
(To see highlights from the #TChat session, watch the Storify slideshow at the end of this post.)
Tackling Today’s Toughest Topics
Anytime the relationship between business and government is on the table, it sparks passionate opinions from all sides. And this #TChat was no different.
Although there were plenty of lighthearted moments, participants were engaged and the flow was intense. But yesterday’s discussion was different from many “business/government” forums I’ve encountered – especially on social media. This session was actually constructive. The ideas were grounded and realistic. Moreover, the tone was respectful. Despite diverse viewpoints, there were no snarky “gotchas.” No dismissive “know-it-all” comments. No locked-down partisanship on display.
A Lesson for Lawmakers?
Actually, that’s why I consider #TChat such a useful resource. Each week, hundreds of professionals who are deeply interested in the human side of business gather to focus on a single topic that affects us all. Everyone brings “A-game” ideas to share – and the loosely structured virtual environment makes crowdsourcing an efficient and exhilarating experience.
It’s not about intense “win/lose” debate. And it’s not about steering everyone toward the same conclusions. Rather, it’s about creating a forum for knowledge sharing that honors plurality of thought. The process is the goal. It’s a model for corporate collaboration. But more important, it’s a laboratory for collective virtual learning. No one has all the answers. But together, we have an opportunity to improve everyone’s game.
It makes me wonder – how much could our nation’s policy makers accomplish, if they embraced the #TChat model as a framework for brainstorming and problem solving?
Hopefully, enlightened organizations like #SHRM can influence the nature of policy dialogue, and show Washington the way! It could happen – even only on a limited scale. In the meantime, we can continue to demonstrate how these new forms of communication can make a difference. What’s more, we can continue to share the #TChat concept with others. If we don’t do it, who will?
To quote one of last night’s participants, Michael Clark at @ReCenterMoment :
“Revolutions are always created and sustained by people, not policy.”
We, the people. We, the #TChat people. It’s our revolution. Let’s own it!
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NOTE: For highlights from yesterday’s business/HR/government #TChat session, see the Storify slideshow at the end of this post.
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Closing Notes & Highlights Slideshow
SPECIAL THANKS to this week’s guest moderator, Donna Rogers (@Donna Rogers ), HR Management & Development Consultant, and Director of Illinois Society for Human Resource Management. She’s a strong advocate of TalentCulture and #TChat, whose tireless support has helped our community thrive.
Did you miss the #TChat preview? Go here .
NOTE TO BLOGGERS : If this #TChat session inspired you to write about business/HR/public policy issues, we’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (at #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we’ll add it to our archives. There are many voices in the #TChat community, with many ideas worth sharing. Let’s capture as many of them as possible.
WHAT’S AHEAD : No #TChat next week – Happy Thanksgiving! But be sure to mark your calendar now for our special 2nd-Anniversary “double feature” event, the following week! On Wednesday November 28, at 7-8pm ET, we’ll celebrate by looking at how #TChat has helped some of our best-known participants. And the day prior (Tuesday, November 27) we’ll showcase some of those community members on a live Radio #TChat show. It promises to be a week filled with great memories and glimpses of the road ahead. Look for the preview early next week via @TalentCulture and #TChat . Thanks!
Image Credit: Matt Tillett via Flickr
#TChat INSIGHTS Slide Show: Business Leadership, HR & Public Policy
[javascript src=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-insights-talentculture-goes-to-washington.js?template=slideshow”]
[View the story “#TChat INSIGHTS: TalentCulture Goes to Washington” on Storify ]
#TChat INSIGHTS: TalentCulture Goes to Washington
Storified by TalentCulture · Thu, Nov 15 2012 07:25:55
Some of the rowdiest #TChatters in the room #TChat http://pic.twitter.com/Q0dR8V4DDonnaRogersHR
@MeghanMBiro I am at the celtics game with hall of fame legend Bob Cousy – #tchat http://pic.twitter.com/x5VweLdbValaAfshar
I’m so excited. Hello all from #yyj Canada 🙂 #TChat http://pic.twitter.com/MBO2LrbsSocialMediaSean
Dog stole my solo cup again…guess I’ll have to join the #tchat party without it. http://pic.twitter.com/nXpcAejpSusanMazza
Drink 2 is a KNOCKOUT punch! #TChat http://pic.twitter.com/CzCbHFk0DonnaRogersHR
#SHRMlead look for Cindy – she will tell you where we are at National Pastimes Bar on the lower level #tchat http://pic.twitter.com/hxGRLwnIDonnaRogersHR
If you are at #SHRMLead join us for #Tchat in the NAtional Pastime lounge (ask for us) http://twitpic.com/bd9bnlDaveTheHRCzar
Here we go! Button delivery prep for #TChat http://pic.twitter.com/afTuOReCDonnaRogersHR
Q1: In what ways is public policy shaping the future of the workplace – for better or worse? #TChat #tchatDonna Rogers, SPHR
A1) Here’s the crux of it: Policy lags, innovation leads. If we wait for policy we’ll never be innovative enough to be competitive. #TChatJonathan Kreindler
A1: Public policy needs to level the playing field when competition won’t solve problems of public interest #tchatGreg Marcus
A1: Public policy should address urgent prob>deteriorating environment, ageing population, jobless youth, mental health, innovation #tchatIrene Becker
A1. Healthcare Reform (& specifically health exchanges) may support more people abandoning trad jobs 4 contracting & freelance work. #tchatBob Lehto
A1. USA is only country in world that’s always debating value of education, training and development. #tchatMichael Clark
A1: Public policy in Cda, Australia and Chile has led to innovation in terms of welcoming entrepreneurs and innovators building biz #tchatIrene Becker
A1. companies/orgs/business isn’t black and white anymore. policy needs to think about the gray areas and non-traditionals #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A1 Some of us HR folk hate to hear about a new piece of legislation, but it wouldn’t be-if businesses did the right thing. #TChatJanine Truitt
A1. Determine relatively collective values, find leadership, align public policies, improve life for as many as possible. #tchatMichael Clark
A1: There has to be accountability and public policy has to not only further and protect the rights of employees but further biz #tchatIrene Becker
A1. I agree that education must adapt to better support Tomorrow’s workforce. #tchatBob Lehto
A1: Latest surveys say the French are the most productive per hour and they have the shortest wk day and longest vacations. #tchatIrene Becker
A1. Too many contradictions in public policy: work harder for less, maximum uncertainty, support children in high-stakes testing… #tchatMichael Clark
A1: policy assumes work = job — what about for those of us who don’t have a traditional job? our numbers are growing rapidly #tchatSusan Mazza
A1 – Public policies > regulations & accountability. That’s the good news, bad news. #tchatAnne Messenger
A1. i think it can help for protection purposes but i think it also can be really annoying when it comes to innovation/progression #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A1 Regional policies affect regional economies and opportunities; businesses will choose communities that fit best. #tchatStephen Abbott
A1. A prominent university executive told me, “You would laugh out loud if you saw our operating budget.” #tchatMichael Clark
A1: It seems that public policy makers ignore the fact that they are creating a competitive disadvantage for US business. #TchatJohn R. Bell
A1) impact of Obamacare (both real and perceived consequences) will influence what small bus owners do #tchatRich Grant
A1 At the state level, public policy can provide an employer friendly landscape to do business or not. #tchatShawn LaCroix
A1: In Canada small business does not have to adhere to the same scrutiny at all as mid size and large biz #tchatIrene Becker
A1 Public policy is needed because business does not do the right thing voluntarily! e.g. people treatment! #TChatIan Welsh
A1: Public policy began with all good intentions. Protect rights, prevent abuse. But has it become a bloated regulatory bureaucracy? #tchatMark Salke
YES @ToddNoebel: A1. Public policy impacts benefits, investments, innovation investments, hiring HR should insert & help shape #TchatMeghan M. Biro
A1: One disturbing aspect of public policy is over-regulation. <= not political, but constantly changing. #TChatTom Bolt
A1. K-20 education funding and programs are decimated while record numbers of people are seeking education and training. #tchatMichael Clark
A1: Keeping up on new policies for smaller businesses can be a challenge. I hear: “Not sure if this impacts us” #tchatAlli Polin
A1. People say to me, “Do we have to throw more $$$ at education!” I say, “YES!!!” #tchatMichael Clark
A1. Fully developed talent will awaken our economy and save our planet. #tchatMichael Clark
A1. Public policy impacts benefits, capital investments, innovation investments, hiring and more. HR should insert & help shape #TchatTodd Noebel
A1: Public policy process is too slow to effect or shape the workplace. #TChatRobert Rojo
A1 Public policy provides guidance on the administration of HR. Keeps us in check whether we like it or not #TChatJanine Truitt
A1) improved technology infrastructure-big impact in Maine. Upside – more broadband in rural areas Down-too many call ctr jobs #tchatRich Grant
A1: Oh, boy, already we’re in deep waters. #tchatAnne Messenger
A1: The infamous fiscal cliff will continue economic uncertainty… job uncertainty. Huge impact on incoming #20somethings. #TChatJon M
A1. We are underfunding, over-regulating and deemphasizing education. #tchatMichael Clark
A1: Lawsuit/ allegations that have come as a result of ridiculous public policy will challenge SMB’s who have everything to lose #tchatJobsite.com
A1 provides accountability and consequences for violations EEO, FLSA etc #tchatShawn LaCroix
A1. Public Policy also drives educational trends which translates into the supply side of graduates #Tchat #SHRMLeadDave Ryan, SPHR
A1: The more open, yields more business. The more closed sends business elsewhere. #tchatRob McGahen
A1: Too many are now hiring less FT which impacts engagement, and in some cases level of talent #tchatAlli Polin
A1: Don’t we already have enough public policy in the workplace? #tchatRayanne
A1: I’m gonna say for the better, and yet we haven’t gone far enough yet (more JOBS Act, please). Keep it civil, kids. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A1: Sadly, public policies, like Obamacare may break already struggling companies with 50 or more employees. #tchatJobsite.com
True!! We need communication >> @CASUDI: A1 Can Public Policy really know & understand what is going on the workplace? #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1: Some public policy is leading to more telecommuting. #TCHatBrent Skinner
A1: #Leaders #HR must be accountable for PUBLIC Policy – Actions speak. #SHRMLead #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1. To understand impact of public policy on future of workplace, we have to start with K-12 education. #tchatMichael Clark
A1: I’m not using the O word…healthcare reform. #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A1 Can Public Policy really know & understand what is going on the workplace? #tchatCASUDI
A1: Public policies like 1938 #FLSA limits #HR’s ability to design innovative, 21st century #workflex strategies for orgs #Tchat #shrmleadLisa Horn
A1: This would require legislation actually being passed by Congress, for improvements to happen, right? #tchatRob McGahen
A1 Through tax incentives & Credits. #TChat #SHRMLeadDave Ryan, SPHR
Q2: Why and how can HR and leaders stay ahead of regulations — to benefit organizational stakeholders? #tchatDonna Rogers, SPHR
A2. I truly believe #communities like this are creating significant positive change. #tchatMichael Clark
A2. Public policy creation must be done by people that see and comprehend big picture and single individual. #tchatMichael Clark
A2. How many people shaping public policy know K-20 education AND large, medium, small business organizations? #tchatMichael Clark
A2: it seems that legistlation continues to pit employees against business and vice versa – how do we change that? #tchatSusan Mazza
A2 Legislators have to focus on what is needed by society, not what business wants! #TChatIan Welsh
A2: Before we accept potential (new) policies we have to understand them to be able to intelligently advocate for change #tchatAlli Polin
A2. The revolution’s always created and sustained by people, not policy. #tchatMichael Clark
A2. if hr doesn’t stand up, they’ll lose talent. many people are starting their own ventures to break out of restrictions from policy #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A2 Common sense has gotten away from HR. In many cases we are playing a popularity contest that doesn’t favor the employee. Bad Biz! #TChatJanine Truitt
A2 Creativity is not going to happen in oppressive unregulated business environments! #TChatIan Welsh
A2. I’m seeing more and more “entrepreneurial” jobs within world of work in business and education. #tchatMichael Clark
A2: HR perspective vital in regulatory process.#SHRM Gvt Affairs always looking for input. #tchat #SHRMLEADKathleen Coulombe
A2 – Definition of “the right thing to do”? Tricky. Fine-line time. #tchatAnne Messenger
A2. Are human resources professionals given opportunities to shape work force policy? #tchatMichael Clark
A2. Definitely use SHRM resources and Social Media connections to share content and an understanding of policies #tchatChris Fields
A2: Regular self-evaluation, industry-wide support systems and maintenance of leading standards. #tchatRoger Veliquette
A2: Splitting up responsibilities across HR in larger orgs help to ensure people & culture aren’t ignored #tchatAlli Polin
A2: We may not like the concept of public policy, but recent history shows us what happens when checks & balances are not sufficient #tchatIrene Becker
A2. Be authentic. | cc @nancyrubin #tchatJustin Mass
A2. We cannot allow policy to stand in the way to talent development. #tchatMichael Clark
A2: Make sure INNOVATION a core value, align all depts (esp HR) to this value, Lead and be ahead of regulations. #TChatKeith C Rogers
A2: Like an agile lawyer, HR must show other functions how to work within regulations & generate desired biz outcome. #TchatJohn R. Bell
A2 If HR stops being a groupie to the C-Suite and gets back to working for the people they may find there will be less regulation. #TChatJanine Truitt
A2) Be transparent #tchatnancyrubin
A2 I think it’s not about staying ahead but more walking alongside, holding hands and leading Government..they are often clueless :-/ #TChatEnzo Guardino
A2: We need new processes for dialogue re legistlation – the debate model results in winners/losers vs. learning and better ideas #tchatSusan Mazza
A2. Read – Talk with each other – Stay informed #tchatChris Fields
A2: Listen to employees and work to foster open, collaborative environments to safeguard against the need for regulation #TChatIntern Employers
A2. HR professionals must be time, space, $ for mentoring and reverse mentoring. #tchatMichael Clark
A2: If you do the right thing, why would the regulations even matter? #tchatRob McGahen
A2: HR Leaders need to b/c and stay connected-u can’t mandate/regulate openness, agility, collaboration, – u experience it. #TChatAngela Maiers
A2: Leaders need to be good maze navigators… find the paths through policies w/ best result. #TChatJon M
A2) the prob can be, the more you read about pending legislation, the more confused you get. Too much political positioning #tchatRich Grant
A2: Live up to their employment branding,, for God’s sake! #tchatJobsite.com
A2: HR can be a catalyst and an advocate for the org when ahead & a partner when regulations are in place & impact #tchatAlli Polin
A2. Be knowledgable about trends – know where biz & emp trends r going – and b there b4 it becomes PUBLIC POLICY #Tchat #SHRMLeadDave Ryan, SPHR
A2 Secondarily, by presenting options to obviate or address pending regs to avoid compliance/risk issues #TchatTodd Noebel
A2 Business has to learn how to positively harness requirements rather than negatively oppose #TChatIan Welsh
A2 HR pros need to anticipate changes in workforce planning, economy and legislation to fast change adapt and stay ahead #tchatShawn LaCroix
A2: Just do the right thing. #tchatRob McGahen
A2. stop throwing their hands up in the air and accepting what is. HR needs to fight for whats right for them and the org #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A2: They should create own regulations that benefit employees & whoever they serve, clients or customers, but fall w/i guidelines. #tchatJobsite.com
A2: Um, heavy investment in lobbyists? #tchatMark Salke
A2 HR leaders must get involved in making “innovative” policies 🙂 that fit the scenerios #tchatCASUDI
A2: Ack. That’s a tough one. By staying ahead of regulations but not creating so many contradictory ones? Focus on self-regulation. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A2) meaning keeping up with regulations? Need a team of smart, unbiased lawyers to help interpret new regs #tchatRich Grant
A2) Stay connected, be pro-active, share what you know and ask others when you don’t #tchatnancyrubin
A2: Partner with orgs that monitor and study policies and long-term impact (i.e. Mercer). #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A2: Never stop learning. Policy often comes without a guide on how to do it. Follow HR bloggers and news on #SoMe #TChatTom Bolt
A2: HR needs to remain connected & be active outside of the org to be effective inside the org w/regulations #tchatAlli Polin
A2: Listening to employees is a novel concept, but worth considering in this day and age #tchatRayanne
A2: the operative word is leaders- it is not a department or job title- it is a systems change @ThinDifference #TChatAngela Maiers
A2 First and foremost by being involved with legislators to see what’s coming and advise org stakeholders #TchatTodd Noebel
A2. Savvy HR professionals are doing what they always do, staying ahead of as many curve balls as possible. #tchatMichael Clark
A2: HR and Leaders either solve problems or make them – just like any employee. They need to figure out how to “solve” #tchatJobsite.com
A2 create a great empowered place to work. A great company shouldn’t be hovering near the margins of compliance #tchatShawn LaCroix
A2. #HR reps & leaders need to stay on top of regulators & communicate w/ employees because open dialogue/transparency = key #tchatGabrielle Kur
A2: I’m gonna go for the low-hanging fruit: hierarchical? #TChatBrent Skinner
A2: Probably most any style would work with a #veteran, as long as respectful management is taking place #TChatJobsite.com
Q3: What role can technology play in forging more constructive ties between business and policy makers? #tchatDonna Rogers, SPHR
A3: It’s all about communication #tchatJobsite.com
A3. The solution to everything: Engagement, engagement, engagement! #tchatMichael Clark
A3: I tell you what, Labor/HR Policymakers should join #tchat! Would they ever get a snootful!Mark Salke
A3. Interesting, that so many of us know what to do: Focus on people first! Yet, it’s not happening like it could. #tchatMichael Clark
A3 Technology is great, but it’s a mere vessel. Plain old communication is still king in many instances & that is failing miserably. #TChatJanine Truitt
#Tchat A3 by listening to chats or conversations on the social web, policy makers can understand better what needs to be addressed & howMila Araujo
A3 – Social media seriously enables the fringes of a company to move their ideas across the matrix #TChatLeAnna J. Carey
A3: Tech. can help bis/policymakers understand & respond to realtime issues. (see:Newark Mayor @CoryBooker using Twitter for #Sandy) #TChatIntern Employers
A3 – Tech is quick and sexy. Longterm, still imp’t to know your stuff, be rational, reasonable, have relationships. #tchatAnne Messenger
They do but you can follow up w/ mail. @AlliPolin: A3: I use tech to get in touch with my legislators. not sure if they get my msg :/ #tchatMike Walters
A3. Governmental institutions and policy makers should be required to participate in the Social Revolution. #tchatMichael Clark
A3. HR must be tech savvy – not to limit tech, but learn its potential to increase engagement and productivity. #tchatChris Fields
A3 Social media is a game changer and so is analytics – tech is a tool – not what you have so much as what you do with it #tchatnancyrubin
A3. Also use #SoMe and tech to stay informed – in addition to communicating. #haveavoice #tchatTiffany Kuehl
A3: Technology should also help identify drivers of performance as well as critical problems to be resolved thru effective policies #tchatIrene Becker
A3 Tech has to be “sold” to the policy makers to show that it is efficient, cost effective & that u can’t hide from progress. #TChatEnzo Guardino
A3: Technology is a tool that will amplify the values of the organization, for good or ill #tchatGreg Marcus
A3. The development of #socialmedia has been life changing for gov relations! It demands transparency & 2-way comm #tchatGabrielle Kur
A3. Tech has brought more open communication than ever, supporting collaboration in a virtual way:) #TchatNisha Raghavan
A3) policy makers need help getting the right data, right info. With technology, there’s too much noise. Gotta be smart to filter it #tchatRich Grant
A3: #HRVoice Baby! Using tech to write your MOC makes sure u #haveavoice with Legislators! #tchat #SHRMLEADKathleen Coulombe
Lemme know when u find it MT @brentskinner A3: Where is the SoMe chat where fed regulators discuss their ideas with biz leaders? Hmm? #TCHatRobert Moore
A3. Tech can speed things up… Make it happen faster. 2 Edge sword #Tchat #SHRMLeadDave Ryan, SPHR
A3: Tech, when used well, can make info available real time to HR and create a forum for questions / clarification / input #tchatAlli Polin
A3 Technology opens up more avenues for greater communication #TchatChelsea C
A3: #SocialMedia has great power through visibility – use it wisely and often. #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A3: Technology provides data, but it must be used to formutlate policies to optimize human potential, business growth and survival #tchatIrene Becker
A3: For starters, helping to consolidate disparate systems into a manageable network for such a complex array of, well, stuff. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A3: I use tech to get in touch with my legislators… not sure if they get my msg :/ when no response #tchatAlli Polin
A3 – Done well, technology can quickly arm HR leaders with accurate data to make their case. #tchatAnne Messenger
A3: Technology is a tool to compile data. Relevant good policy is about addressing urgent prob-youth unemploy, aging pop etc. #tchatIrene Becker
A3: Policy makers need to actively engage technology for anything else to happen. #tchatRob McGahen
A3: Where is the social media chat where federal regulators discuss their ideas with biz leaders? Hmm? #TCHatBrent Skinner
A3. Technology allows us to share but as we’ve seen in the news some stuff shouldn’t be shared. Tech can change security policies #tchatChris Fields
A3) Technology compresses space and time – makes communication and collaboration easier (or should) #tchatnancyrubin
A3 technology has the ability to provide accurate measures and transparency to each side govt/business/workforce #tchatShawn LaCroix
A3 Business and policy makers should have their ears to social media- #TChat perhaps- to hear what people really think. #realitycheck #TChatJanine Truitt
A3) use of technology to provide policy makers with better data. Not more, but more actionable data #tchatRich Grant
A3: Track. Communicate. Hold policymakers accountable to their word and good practices. #TChatJon M
A3: Technology is a tool that can enable policy makers to understand facts, formulate policy to help critical areas. #tchatIrene Becker
A3 HR has not kept pace w/the changing market requirements – intrapreneurs & tech innovation are needed to sustain co’s #TchatLeAnna J. Carey
A3: Policy makers can engage technology. It’s not 1950 anymore. #tchatRob McGahen
A3: #SocialMedia has great power through visibility – use it wisely and often. #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A3 Tech has paved way 4 more open communication between biz & policy makers. When I was House staffer, #SM didn’t exist! #tchat #shrmleadLisa Horn
A3 Thirdly (tertiarily?), monitor trends in work/labor to ID potential issues and provide guidance #TchatTodd Noebel
Q4: To what degree is public policy helping or hindering innovation in talent strategy? What should HR do? #tchatDonna Rogers, SPHR
Deaf, DUMB & blind is the norm. @ReCenterMoment: A4. Attention, policy makers! Can you hear us? Is this thing working? Hello!?! #tchatEnzo Guardino
A4. Attention, policy makers! Can you hear us? Is this thing working? Hello!?! #tchatMichael Clark
A4: Advocacy & innovation can play together #tchatAlli Polin
A4. I have a lot to learn about public policy, but I know the “human” in human resources quite well. #tchatMichael Clark
A4: could/should policy address the issue of workplace bullying? #tchatGreg Marcus
A4. We can’t keep chopping away at the trunk, while urging the top to grow. #tchatMichael Clark
A4 In gov’t & for federal contractors #OFCCP gets a bad rap, but I see it as a means of keeping things fair and equitable in hiring #TChatJanine Truitt
A4. It has never more important for HR professionals to receive continuing education and training. #tchatMichael Clark
A4: healthcare policy has a huge impact on HR #tchatGreg Marcus
A4. Creating insecurity in your HR department, creates insecurity in the entire organization. #tchatMichael Clark
A4. Reducing retirement security creates a lot of insecurity. #tchatMichael Clark
A4 Public policy that promotes a feeling of worth of an individual promotes innovation & a person more likely to speak up, feel free! #TChatIan Welsh
A4. Middle managers and human professionals must collaborate to attract, develop, retain, transform talent. #tchatMichael Clark
A4: Public policy should only be about public employees. Let private sector alone. Free market works. Best Orgs/culture/leaders win #TChatKeith C Rogers
A4 If we managed risk, issues, and ethics appropriately-at the business level we would not be dealing with EEO, OFCCP, NLRB etc. #TChatJanine Truitt
A4. My experience has proven HR #Leadership is critical for bringing world of work into 21st century. #tchatMichael Clark
A4: Policy comes from improper use of innovation. #tchatRob McGahen
A4: How long does it actually take for an idea to become policy, weeks, months…years?? #TChatRobert Rojo
A4: Guidelines are good as long as they do not restrict creativity or allow for a monopoly. #tchatJobsite.com
A4: It sounds wrong, but with regards to policy, do the minimum required. Dedicate resources to talent development. #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A4: I used to be the one that trained on OFCCP – yikes! Still, many were challenged to comply even after understanding #tchatAlli Polin
A4: Policies like #sec127 help #HR profs recruit and retain talent. Vital to ensure US competitiveness. #SHRMLEAD #TchatKathleen Coulombe
A4) outdated policy is why the US EI system bleeds $17B to fraud EVERY year. Don’t count on policy to improve HR. #TChatJonathan Kreindler
A4: HR can still be compliant w/o letting policy interpretation win over doing what’s right for people #tchatAlli Polin
A4. Because of the complexity of integrating social media, power is shifting back to HR. #tchatMichael Clark
A4 Simply no $ available. We need to convince the simple principle that they have to invest in the future; redirect useless spending. #TChatEnzo Guardino
A4: Sometimes policy can be tone-deaf to the dynamic nature of talent acquisition? #TCHatBrent Skinner
A4: This one is tough & answers could be controversial? #TCHatBrent Skinner
A4. Entrepreneurs are too busy doing-being “their thing” to focus much on public policy. #tchatMichael Clark
A4. invest in your employees, their development, and give them the empowerment to be innovative. educate them #tchatAshley Lauren Perez
A4 Public policy scares HR into becoming compliance zombies. This kills innovation & the bigger picture gets lost in translation. #TChatJanine Truitt
A4: PubPolicy makes it more arduous to fire underperformers. HR must ensure better hiring strategies & processes. #TchatJohn R. Bell
A4 IMO PUBLIC POLICY rarely helps w/innovation #Tchat #SHRMLeadDave Ryan, SPHR
A4. I think public policy is behind tech so it does not hinder…policy tends to be reactionary … #tchatChris Fields
A4: Hiring more PT to avoid $$$ implications of FT hires is not putting talent strategy or innovation first #tchatAlli Polin
A4: Innovation is always ahead of policy. People who use that innovation for bad forces policy to be developed. #tchatRob McGahen
A4. The best talent in the best organizations does not think about public policy at all. #tchatMichael Clark
A4: HR needs to educate & advocate internally for talent. #tchatAlli Polin
A4) same as A1) Policy lags, innovation leads. If we wait for policy we’ll never be innovative enough to be competitive. #tchatJonathan Kreindler
A4 There is policy concerning ATS and EEOC requirements – how is that playing out? #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A4: #TChat to Washington! Raise your voice! #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A4: Join SHRM and storm DC! #tchatKevin W. Grossman
Q5: Should some aspects of the workplace remain separate from public policy oversight? Why and how? #tchatDonna Rogers, SPHR
A5) Yes – anything that has to happen quickly. #tchat #booyah!Jonathan Kreindler
A5: I’m gonna go off the beaten path and say no. Keep friends close and enemies closer #TChatIntern Employers
A5 There always has to be some oversight to determine where public policy may be necessary #TChatIan Welsh
A5 How the money is spent…give us the dosh and leave us alone to spend it ad we see fit…then revel in the results. #TChatEnzo Guardino
A5. Boutique organizations, driven by entrepreneurs, are central players in transforming world of work. #tchatMichael Clark
A5 But alas, people will always try to abuse others and privileges and this is why public policy and HR will be the best of friends. #TChatJanine Truitt
A5: I’m hard pressed to find a place that policy doesn’t already play a part. #tchatAlli Polin
A5 In a perfect world, we would shower our businesses and employees with HR goodness and innovation w/o fear of policy backlash. #TChatJanine Truitt
A5 Of course. But if there are abuses, it will be legislated. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A5: Can oversight be separate from regulation? Telling how vs. protecting rights? #tchatAlli Polin
A5. It really depends on your political views. One side believes in more gov. control and regulation. The other side doesn’t. #tchatMike Walters
A5: Nearly every aspect of employment process already dictated by federal statute or regulation #tchat #shrmleadLisa Horn
A5: WHOA!! This is such a dangerous and fiery topic – especially following the election #tchatJobsite.com
A5: If you are doing the right thing, then yes! #tchatRob McGahen
A5: Small companies need different policies that large ones. “It just isn’t fair” cried the left… #tchatRayanne
A5: More of it than what is now? #TChatBrent Skinner
A5: Public oversight has no idea what the true work environment is like – they aren’t even good listeners #tchatRayanne
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