(Editor’s Note : Are you looking for all the highlights and resource links from this week’s #TChat Events? You’re in luck — they’re right this way at the #TChat Recap: Gut Check: Emotions and Leadership. )
“It’s not personal — it’s strictly business.”
–Mario Puzo “The Godfather “
Have you ever heard someone at work echo that classic line to dismiss their ruthless, destructive or self-serving behavior? In the past, that kind of cold-blooded Mafia mindset was all too prevalent in business. But these days it’s losing relevance, as emotional intelligence takes hold .
Although academics continue to debate various “EI” models , the core concept is simple. It’s based on the notion that the more mindful we are of the “human” side of business (in ourselves and others), the more effective our performance will be, and the more likely we’ll influence others’ performance .
While some people resist the term “emotional intelligence,” the concept is gaining traction. Some of the world’s most successful organizations — companies like Google and Microsoft — are actively developing emotional intelligence in their workforce. Why does it matter ? And how can it “make” or “break” your professional reputation?
That’s the topic we’re discussing this week at #TChat Events , with EI expert, Steve Gutzler , President of Leadership Quest , a Seattle leadership consultancy, and author of “Emotional Intelligence for Personal Leadership.”
“Sneak Peek” Hangout
To kick-off this week’s discussion, Steve joined me for a G+ Hangout, where he briefly shared some fascinating insights about the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace:
This week’s #TChat Events promise to be helpful for anyone who wants to work more effectively with and through others . So bring your questions and ideas — and let’s talk!
#TChat Events: Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Influence
#TChat Radio — Wed, Dec 18 — 6:30 pmET / 3:30pmPT
Tune-in to the #TChat Radio show
Our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman talk with Steve Gutzler about why emotional intelligence matters in the workplace, and its connection with influence. Tune-in LIVE online this Wednesday!
#TChat Twitter — Wed, Dec 18 — 7pmET / 4pmPT
Immediately following the radio show, Meghan, Kevin and Steve will move to the #TChat Twitter stream , where Dr. Nancy Rubin will lead an open chat with the entire TalentCulture community. Everyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we address these 5 related questions:
Q1: Why is emotional intelligence so critical for today’s leaders?
Q2: How do emotional “soft skills” complement hard-edge business skills?
Q3: What is emotional hijacking vs. emotional self-management?
Q4: How can business leaders offer productive emotional influence?
Q5: What technologies can foster employee appreciation + emotional commitment?
We look forward to hearing your feedback, as talent-minded professionals, who care about the human side of business.
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your questions, ideas and opinions.
We’ll see you on the stream!
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